Defilements are like sand bars or stumps in a river that will keep our boat from getting to shore. 杂染好比河中的沙洲与暗桩,它们会阻碍我们的船靠岸。
Here Samana means one who has calmed and destroyed all defilements. 这里沙门是指灭除一切烦恼的人。
When we have a university degree we should deal with our minds also, that is, eliminate defilements, the coarse ones as well as the medium and subtle ones. 当我们有了大学学位之后,还是要修治我们的心,也就是说,要灭除烦恼,包括粗、中、细等三种烦恼。
I shall now thoroughly cut away the bonds of all defilements. 我现在将要完全去除一切烦恼的束缚。
You will find it easier to remind yourself to be mindful and to spot the defilements. 你会发现,提醒自己保持正念的状态并发现杂念变得更加容易。
It is based on karma, defilements, etc., and all such seeds of the external category as plants and grass. 这是建立在业力,染污的基础上的,而所有这些外部种类的种子比如植物或草的种子。
On giving ear to what I say, he will make away with the defilements. 当听到我所说的,他将脱离了烦恼。
Get to know the defilements that arise in relation to the object and keep examining the defilements. 勿拒绝任何出现的观照对象。觉知与这一对象伴生的烦恼,审视这些烦恼。
The life in true peace and a wholesome mental state can only be obtained by the cessation of defilements. 真实内心的宁静、善良的心境得自烦恼(defilements)的止息。
Man possesses, within, the four great elements, an innumerable and unending number of defilements. 人们拥有,在里面,四大要素,无止境和不断重复的玷污。
In the third watch of the night He had the knowledge of the exhaustion of cankers, knowing that He had eradicated all defilements and made an end of ill. 在第三次省察中,他知道烦恼已断尽,明白他已完全根除了诸漏,以及结束了诸苦。
He has to face that fact and know these defilements well in order to apply again and again the appropriate remedy of satipatthana. 他必须面对事实,清楚认识这些烦恼,以便不断运用合适的四念处对治法。
He has also shown that the primary danger in the defilements is their causal role in sustaining the round of rebirths. 他还说明,杂染最主要的危险在于,它们是维持轮回继续之因。
He whose destiny neither the gods nor demigods nor men do know, he who has destroyed defilements and become worthy, him I call a Brahman. 他的命运不是神只、也不是半神、更不是人所能知悉的;但他已消除垢秽,变得受人敬重;我会叫他做婆罗门。
They are: ( I) to meditate on the evil karmic consequences of birth and death,( ii) to increase the seeds of good, and ( iii) to crush out all the defilements ( 28). 他们是(i)对生与死的恶业之果的冥想(ii)增加善的种子和(iii)去除所有的烦恼。
This puts you in a position of strength, because if you're leaving big gaps of unoccupied territory in your body, other things will occupy it& different thoughts, different defilements. 这就把你放到了一个有力的位置,因为如果你在身内留下大片尚未占据的区域,其它东西将会占据它&各种思维、各种杂染。
When I had concentration it eliminated the medium defilements. 如果有定就能断除中等的烦恼。
The hindrances to obtaining these good qualities are the defilements such as hatred and so on. 障碍我们得到这些良善功德的是象嗔恨等的各种染污。
These defilements are not afraid of anyone, not of rich people, not of influential people, not even of monks ordained for a long time, with a title, are they afraid. 这些烦恼不怕任何人,不怕有钱财的人、有权势的人,甚至出家已久且有德号的僧伽。
We need to watch out for the presence of these defilements and not let them interrupt our practice. 我们要很小心这些染污,不要让它们打断我们的修行。
In practice, the crude defilements are greed, hatred and delusion, impurities, craving, clinging and intentional action. 修行中,粗重的烦恼就是指贪、瞋、痴、杂染、贪爱、执取及有意志的造作行为。
Clean means not dirty, because there are no defilements. 意思是它本不污染,因为它元无烦恼;
Avoid the defilements of delusion and discrimination. 烦恼是妄想分别,应该要远离;
Through the teachings of the Buddha can make people educated and perfect and can overcome defilements, make trouble free and turn ignorance into wisdom. 通过佛的教导使受教育者完善人格、转染为净、解脱烦恼、转无明为智慧。