Deflagration to Detonation Transition Process in Aluminum Dust-air Mixture 铝粉-空气混合物的燃烧转爆轰过程
Analysis and Prevention of Deflagration Hazards in Coking Dry Gas into Hydrogen Unit 焦化干气制氢装置燃烧爆炸危险性分析与预防
The other is deflagration, or subsonic burning, which causes little or no blast. 另一种是爆燃,或者又称亚音速燃烧,这种方式很少产生爆炸。
The "woof" you get when igniting a dish of flammable liquid such as gasoline is a deflagration. 在“纬”,当你点燃一盘易燃液体,如汽油是一种爆燃。
Deflagration is what happens when you burn a mixture of air and fuel at reasonably low pressure. 爆燃时会发生什么是刻录在合理的低压力的空气和燃料的混合物。
Deflagration is, believe it or not, a relatively gentle process which is simply the rapid burning the fuel. 爆燃是,不管你信不信,一个相对平缓的过程,仅仅是迅速燃烧的燃料。
So how do you go about turning a comparatively gentle deflagration reaction into a detonation? 那么如何去要成为一个较为温和的爆炸爆燃反应?
One of the primary attributes of deflagration is that the flame travels at a speed significantly lower than the speed of sound. 对爆燃的主要特征之一,是火焰的速度大大低于音速的降低旅行。
It's difficult to do numerical simulation to solve pressure waves generated by steady flames whose speeds are less than corresponding C-J deflagration speeds. 对低于C-J燃速以恒定速度传播的火焰产生的压力波直接用数值方法求解有困难。
The exhaust blower can draw away in time oil vapors produced in the wire drawing bin through the exhaust pipe, to avoid deflagration phenomenon, in terms of good safety performance. 本实用新型拉丝仓内产生的油蒸汽通过排气管被抽风机即时抽走,可以完全避免爆燃现象发生,安全性能好。
Simulative emulation of deflagration in well blow-out based on CFD 基于CFD的井喷失控爆燃模拟仿真
In effect, detonation is a violent explosion and as such it produces vastly higher pressures than the simple burning process of deflagration. 实际上,爆炸是一次剧烈爆炸,因此它产生比简单爆燃燃烧过程中的压力大大增加。
This result also proves that the effect of the cold wall is the main reason for the quenching of deflagration flames in narrow channels. 这一结果也进一步证实了冷壁效应是爆燃火焰在狭缝中淬熄的主要原因。
It prevented backfire of natural gas that brings deflagration and guaranteed burner safety. 为防止天然气回火造成爆燃提供安全保证依据。
In addition, this paper also suggests that the reason for high burning rate-pressure exponent is deflagration of some components in propellant. 此外,本文还提出,火药中某些组分的爆燃是导致一些火药燃速压力指数较高的原因。
A series of flammable gas cloud deflagration experiments built-in and built-out obstruction were carried out in order to study the effects of obstruction on deflagration pressure wave. 为考察障碍物对爆燃压力波的影响,进行了可燃气云内、外分别设置障碍物的爆燃实验。
Experimental and numerical simulation of effect of spherical zone obstruction on deflagration of gas cloud 球带型障碍物对气云爆燃强度影响的实验与数值模拟
This tube is sometimes referred to as a DDT ( Deflagration to Detonation Transition) tube and its job is to force the trigger charge to burn at a rate that creates a supersonic shockwave. 这条管子有时被称为滴滴涕(爆燃向爆轰)管,它的工作是为了迫使速度创造了超音速冲击波触发负责燃烧。
Experimental study on propagation and quenching of premixed acetylene-air deflagration flames in narrow channels 预混乙炔-空气爆燃火焰在平板狭缝中传播与熄灭的实验研究
On the basis of weak explosion, a new explosive deflagration ash-cleaning system has been developed and applied to the steam injection boilers in heavy oil recovery. 针对柳林电厂空气预热器积灰严重的问题,采用弱爆炸波清灰技术对原有吹灰系统进行改造取得良好效果,并用数据对比进行了分析说明。
Deflagration is combustion wave propagating at a velocity less than the speed of sound. 爆燃过程是一种以低于音速而传播的燃烧波。
Numerical Simulation of Deflagration to Detonation Transition in Coke Powder-Oxygen Mixture 焦炭粉-氧气混合物爆燃向爆震转捩的数值模拟
To analyze the influence of medium pre compression degree to the efficiency of pulse detonation engines, relations between the pre compression degree and the mechanical power exportation ability in detonation and deflagration processes have been investigated. 为研究介质的预压缩对脉冲爆轰发动机效率的影响,通过热力学过程效率分析,计算了对可爆介质进行不同程度预压缩的条件下,爆轰过程和爆燃过程机械功输出能力。
Study on Hydrogen Ignition Safety Based on Flame Acceleration and Deflagration to Detonation Transition Criteria 基于火焰加速和燃爆转变准则的氢气点火安全性研究
In this paper, the effects of RDX/ AP proportion on deflagration temperature ( Tv), Hcl content in combustion products, burning rate and burning rate pressure exponent have been studied. 本文研究了RDX/AP配比对其HTPB复合推进剂爆温(Tv)、燃烧产物中HCl含量、燃速和燃速压力指数的影响。
The study ways, characterization parameters and influence factors of deflagration to detonation transition are introduced. 介绍了燃烧转爆轰的研究方法、表征参数和影响因素。
And the influence factors of chemical configuration on the deflagration speed of plateau propellants and pressure were discussed. 由此讨论了影响平台推进剂燃速与燃速压强指数的化学结构因素。
Deflagration to detonation transition ( DDT) process is also investigated primarily from experimental records. 对爆燃转爆轰过程(DDT)进行了初步研究,实验能够记录爆燃转爆轰这种快速转变的过程。
It is found that three-dimensional effect in the tube is obvious in the deflagration to detonation stage. 研究发现,在燃烧转爆轰过程中,存在明显的三维效应。
Moreover, the kruis model was improved. And the growth model of crystal nuclear proliferation for gas deflagration and detonation synthesis was derived. The calculation results are close to the experimental results. 改进了kruis模型,推导出了气相爆燃合成和爆轰合成的晶核扩散生长模型,计算结果和实验结果比较符合。