Use oncheck-pt to check on the number of partition extents after defragmentation. 可在碎片整理完成后,利用oncheck-pt来检查分区区段的数量。
For example, compact operations act like a disk defragmentation tool for your NSF files. 例如,压缩操作就像一个针对NSF文件的磁盘碎片整理工具。
For this reason, an online defragmentation tool exists to defragment both the file system and individual files for improved performance. 因此出现了在线碎片整理工具,它们可以对文件系统和单个文件执行碎片整理,从而改善性能。
Ext4 adds support for online defragmentation, which should improve overall performance. Ext4支持在线磁盘整理,这能够改善总体性能。
Defragmentation can occur in the background while you are using your system. 在您使用文件系统时在后台执行碎片整理。
An online defragmentation tool ( e4defrag) has been developed to address this. 为解决这个问题,开发了在线磁盘碎片整理工具(e4defrag)。
To alleviate the fragmentation issue, some collectors implement a compaction, or defragmentation, phase to their collection cycle. 为了缓解碎片问题,一些收集器针对其收集循环实现一个压缩或碎片整理阶段。
The other aspect of online defragmentation is the reduced time required for a file system check ( fsck). 在线碎片整理还可以减少检查文件系统所需的时间(fsck)。
The defragmenter then checks to see if defragmentation is necessary. 然后碎片整理程序会检查是否有必要进行碎片整理。
When online defragmentation is restarted on this database, it will resume from the point of interruption. 对此数据库重新启动联机碎片整理时,它会从中断点继续。
Create a backup of the database named in the message after defragmentation is complete. 碎片整理完成后,请创建消息中提到的数据库的备份。
This defragmentation method will complete faster and use fewer resources, but note that the free space consolidation will not be as thorough as the other methods. 碎片整理方法将更快完成并使用更少的资源,但是注意,可用空间整合的全面无法与使用其他方法时相比。
When an offline defragmentation is performed, exchange makes a temporary copy of the database file. 执行脱机碎片整理时,exchange会生成一个数据库文件的临时副本。
Even if the defragmentation task does not finish in the time specified, the queue database is left in a consistent state. 即使碎片整理任务未在指定的时间内完成,也会保持队列数据库处于一致的状态。
Changes were made to the volume that require the defragmentation or analysis to restart. 对卷进行的改动需要重新启动整理碎片或分析。
Review the log and determine the average values of both counters during the defragmentation period. 查看日志并确定在碎片整理期间这两个计数器的平均值。
This defragmentation option will use fewer resources, but free space consolidation will not be as thorough. 该碎片整理选项将使用较少资源,但可用空间整合并不彻底。
You can defragment only one volume at a time. Do you want to stop the current defragmentation and restart using a different volume? 一次只能对一个卷进行碎片整理。要停止当前碎片整理并用不同的卷重新启动吗?
DateThis column shows the date each defragmentation operation was performed. 日期该栏显示每一个碎片整理操作的执行日期。
If one of the preceding maintenance tasks is performed, the database on which the task was run performs an online defragmentation. 如果执行上述任一维护任务,执行任务的数据库将进行联机碎片整理。
Now defragmentation as an aside is not so much necessary these days because hardware has gotten so performance. 在硬件性能如此好的今天,碎片处理显得并不是那么的重要。
RPC to Schedule Defragmentation Job failed. 为计划碎片整理作业的RPC失败。
Problems with display of some files in special defragmentation software – PageDefrag are possible. 在某些特殊的磁盘整理程序中显示某些文件存在问题。