Cooling and Dehumidifying Coils, has expanded coil construction descriptions and new maintenance recommendations. 十章,气冷却除湿盘,展盘描述新维护推荐。
Air-side heat transfer and friction characteristics of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditions 析湿工况下波纹翅片管换热器空气侧换热与压降特性
Capable of soothing or eliminating pain. ceiba is a kind of natural foliage fibre. it is tender and comfortable, with functions of rheumatism removing, dehumidifying, blood activating and acesodyne. 止痛的,镇痛的能消除或去除疼痛的木棉是一种天然植物纤维,柔软舒适,有祛风除湿、活血、散节止痛的功效。
Therefore, a new kind of two-step dehumidifying system is developed. 为此,研制成功一种新型二级除湿系统。
Compared with air condition dehumidifying, TEC technique has several advantages, such as simple construction, small volume, high reliability, and so on. 与雷达高频箱常用的空调除湿方式相比,热电致冷除湿具有结构简单、体积小、可靠性高等优点。
Simulation results of one large-scale radar ′ s HF equipments case proved that TEC technique could meet the dehumidifying requirement completely. 以某大型相控阵雷达高频箱为对象进行的仿真结果表明,热电致冷除湿方式完全可满足高频箱除湿的要求。
Dehumidifying dryer could attain the drying requirement of PET resin. 除湿干燥机能达到PET料干燥的要求。
The Working Characteristic and Performance Research on a Novel Energy Storage System for Dehumidifying and Air-conditioning 新型蓄能除湿空调系统工作特性研究
Modeling and simulation of condensation and dehumidifying of high humidity industrial exhaust gases 高湿度工业废气冷凝脱湿模型研究与数值模拟
Analysing liquid dehumidifying and regenerating processes for liquid desiccant air conditioning system, puts forward improving the energy efficiency by stepping and heat recovery, and concludes that the energy efficiency ratio is 1~ 3 under summer working conditions based on simulation calculation. 对溶液除湿空调的溶液除湿过程和再生过程进行了分析,提出采用分级和热回收的方法提高其效率,并通过模拟计算,得出其夏季工况下的能效比为1~3。
This paper studies the effects of variable chilled water temperature on heat transfer and dehumidifying of the terminal equipment as well as chiller in fan-coil plus fresh air systems. 研究了在风机盘管加新风系统中冷水温度变化对末端空气处理设备换热能力、除湿能力以及冷水机组性能的影响;
A high temperature dehumidifying heat pump designed by the authors was introduced. 该文介绍了作者自行设计的高温除湿干燥机的特点,以及在木材干燥生产中的工业试验研究结果。
This thesis designs the liquid dehumidifying and cooling system, especially studying on the exploitation and rebirth for liquid desiccant. 本文对液体除湿降温系统进行了设计,并着重对液体除湿剂的利用及再生技术作了研究。
This paper shows that the new method by dehumidifying is the most effective and the most economic. 这可能是湿热地区最为有效和最经济和节能的方法。
The experimental research of liquid dehumidifying system 液体除湿系统的实验研究
Energy saving research of wood drying& dehumidifying drying and solar energy drying 木材干燥的节能研究&除湿干操与太阳能干燥
This paper introduces the structure and working principle of the small-sized dehumidifying device with thermoelectric refrigeration, points out the mathematics model of its system design and the optimized calculation program. At last, it gets the structural parameter that reaches the best refrigeration effects. 本文介绍了小型热电制冷除湿机结构及工作原理。提出了小型热电制冷除湿机系统设计的数学模型及优化计算程序,得出达到最佳制冷系数的结构参数。
Based on the definitions of air conditioning period, dehumidifying period and heating period, this paper puts forward the exchanging conditions and psychrometric process of ventilation system in residences. 根据夏热冬冷地区的空调期、除湿期和采暖期的划分方法,提出了住宅建筑新风系统全年运行的转换条件,以及新风热湿处理工况要求。
The operational principle, theoretical model and recent advances of the new thermoelectric cooling dehumidifying technology are systemically introduced. 系统介绍了热电冷凝除湿技术的工作原理、理论模型、国内外研究进展。
Considering dehumidifying effect and heat pump's energy consumption, the optimization model has been deduced with specific power consumption ( SPC) as objective function. 综合考虑系统除湿效果和热泵机组运转能耗,推导出了系统除湿时的优化模型。
Comprehensively analysing various dehumidifying methods, considers liquid desiccant dehumidification feasible to realize independent humidity control. 综合比较各种除湿方式,得出溶液除湿是实现湿度独立处理的较为可行的方式。
The article introduces the suitable production conditions of BF for adopting dehumidifying blast, the choice of dehumidifying ways and the results of saving coke and increasing output. 介绍了适合采用脱湿鼓风的高炉生产条件以及脱湿方法的选择和节焦增产的效果。
The air side heat transfer and friction characteristics of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers with and without hydrophilic coating were studied under dehumidifying conditions experimentally. 对附带亲水层和没有附带亲水层的波纹翅片管换热器在析湿工况下的空气侧特性进行了实验研究,分析了亲水层对空气侧换热和压降特性的影响。
Indirect Evaporative Cooling and Desiccant Dehumidifying with Heat Pipe in Air Conditioning System 热管间接蒸发和吸湿冷却空调系统应用分析
Liquid Dehumidifying Air Conditioning System Driven by Gas and Its Energy Saving Analysis 燃气驱动液体除湿空调系统及其节能分析
Sets up mathematical models, and quantitatively analyzes the effect of variable chilled water flow on cooling capacity and dehumidifying capacity of air coolers and fan coils. 建立了热湿参数与冷水流量之间关系的数学模型,定量分析了变流量对空调末端设备的换热和除湿性能的影响。
Including regeneration air flow calculation, climate of the engineering local and solar radiation heat gain calculation, and compared the energy consumption of new solar desiccant air conditioning system with traditional cooling and dehumidifying air-conditioning system. 包括再生空气流量的计算确定,工程当地的气候情况和太阳辐射得热量计算等,最后把新型的太阳能除湿空调系统与传统的冷却除湿空调系统的能耗进行对比。
The paper mainly research and content are: 1. Research of electronic temperature controlling and dehumidifying. 本论文主要研究工作与内容如下:1.控温除湿方案研究。
Increasing the reaction time helps improve efficiency of the ultrasound atomization dehumidifying system with liquid desiccant. 在超声雾化液体除湿空调系统中,延长气液反应时间,可提高除湿效率。
Application of the calculation method to analyze the form of cooling dehumidifying system, the scope of performance parameters and change law at different interior design parameters, different outdoor meteorological parameters ( by time and different regions) and different building types. 应用计算方法,分析了室内设计参数不同、室外气象参数不同(逐时和不同地域)和建筑类型不同时一次风冷却除湿冷梁系统形式以及性能参数范围和变化规律。