Person deixis consists of person pronouns and nominal phrases that encode the identification of persons who participate in the utterance. 所谓身份语是指用以表示人物身份的代名词,包括敬语、谦词、亲属称谓、表示社会地位、家庭地位的名词短语等。
An Interpretation of the Cognitive Process and Pragmatic Function of Space Deixis 空间指示的认知心理过程和语用功能解析
Some pragmatic motivations, in perspective of deixis, presupposition, cooperation principles, speech acts and relevance, can be found in some concrete humorous utterances. 本文从指示语、前提、合作原则、言语行为、关联性等角度,分析了幽默的语用理据。
This article tries to analyze discourse comprehension based on the theory of deixis and cooperative principle combining with the example of Japanese discourse. 本文拟以指示语及合作原则理论为依据,结合日语语篇实例就话语理解做一分析对照。
The meaning of "pointing and demonstrative" also derived from the structure relationship. Language "pointing and demonstrative" systems can be classified as "deixis" and "index". 主观性是指说话人在话语中的“自我”表现成分,它源于语言的“指示”功能。
Being interrelated with the specific time, place, task and so on, English person deixis expresses the relationship among persons or things. 英语人称指示语与特定的时间、地点和任务等相关联,在特定语境中表示事物之间的关系和人的社交关系。
A Comparative Study of Person Deixis in Chinese and English Civil Law Text and Its Translation 人称指示语在民法文本中的对比和翻译
The theory of deixis is expected to be applied in the analysis of language of civil law text both in Chinese and English. 本文试将翻译理论应用到中英文民法文本中的人称指示语当中。
Pragmatic Analysis of English Person Deixis in The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》中人称指示语的语用分析
The uses of deixis have four modes: equivalent use, non-equivalent use, the use of deixis in English with its gap in Chinese and the use of deixis in Chinese with its gap in English. 英汉指示语使用有对等模式、非对等模式、英语中使用指示语而汉语无指示语的模式、英语中无指示语而汉语使用指示语的模式。
In everyday use, demonstratives in Korean have both deixis and discourse marking functions. 朝鲜语指示词在实际语言运用当中不仅有指示功能,还有话语标记功能。
Study on the First Personal Deixis the Words of Chinese and English Songs 中英文歌词中第一人称指示词使用对比研究
The Missing of Cultural Information in the Translation of Person Deixis from Chinese to English 论人称指示语在汉英翻译中的文化信息缺失
The Comparison and the Pragmatic Meanings of the Third Person Deixis 英汉第三人称指示语的语用意义及对比
This paper mainly talks about the functional variations of deixis, and attempts to analysis the reasons for their existence and their understanding from the pragmatic perspectives. 本文拟从指示语的功能变异谈起,分析其产生的原因,以及从语用学的角度探讨它们的指示意义。
Person deixis is determined by the politeness principle, the context and the speaker's intention. 大多数情况下说话人遵循贬己尊人准则,选择适切的人称指示语。
On the Study of the Unconventional Choice of Person Deixis and its Pragmatic Effects 英语人称指示语的非常规选择及其语用效果
On the English Translation of Social Deixis about Terms of Humility in A Dream of Red Mansions 从《红楼梦》中的谦称谈社交指示语的英译
Approach to Temporal Deixis of Tense from Cognitive Referent Point 从认知参照点看时间指示的时态选用问题
This thesis analyzes the relation between pragmatic rules and humour from five aspects: conversational maxims, conversational implicature, deixis, presupposition and speech acts. 分别从五个方面分析了语用原则与幽默的密切联系:会话交际、会话含义、指示、前提、言语行为。
On the Information Loss in the Translation of Social Deixis in A Dream of Red Mansions 社会指示语翻译中的信息流失探讨&以杨宪益《红楼梦》英译本为例
This feature of narrative communication is associated with the linguistic term deixis, which refers to all those elements of language that have a specifically demonstrative function. 叙述沟通的特征与语言学上的术语“指示性”相连,也就是说语言的这些要素都具有明确的指示性作用。
Deixis is one of the basic subjects in the study of pragmatics. 指示现象是语用学研究的基本课题之一。
A pragmatic study is conducted mainly from two perspectives of speech act and social deixis. 本文对称谓的语用研究主要从言语行为和社交指示两个视角进行。
English person deixis consists of the system of English personal pronouns. 英语的人称代词体系构成了英语人称指示语。
The purpose of this thesis is to apply some pragmatic theories on deixis to translation through contrastive analysis. 本文目的是通过对比分析,把指示语的语用理论更多的运用于翻译中去。
Pragmatic distance can find expression in deixis and discourse types. 语用距离广泛体现在指示现象和话语类型之中。
Deixis is one of important study areas in pragmatics. 指示(deixis)是语用学研究的重要领域。
Pragmatics mainly consists of Deixis, Conversational Implicature, Presupposition, Speech Acts and Relevance Theory. 语用学主要由指示语、会话含义、预设、言语行为和关联理论组成。
In discourse analysis, the characteristics of person deixis in different styles have been studied in details. 在语篇分析中,人们对不同文体中人称指示语的特点进行了详尽的阐释。