But after nearly a week of deliberations, the jury remained deadlocked. 但是经过近一周的审议,陪审团仍然僵持不下。
Their deliberations were rather inconclusive. 他们的审议几乎没有得出什么结论。
He would, of course, report back on all deliberations 当然,他会汇报整个审议过程的情况。
There was something of this mood running throughout the Congress's deliberations. 国会的商讨过程中一直透露出几分这样的情绪。
The negotiations were the subject of dozens of boardroom deliberations on both sides of the Atlantic. 地处大西洋两岸的这两家公司的董事会都为这些谈判召开了数十次的会议。
We finally decided after lengthy deliberations. 我们经过长时间考虑后最终做出了决定。
But Mr Wilder says the Obama team is not engaging in "serious deliberations" on F-16s at present. 但韦德宁称,奥巴马团队目前并没有对f-16战斗机问题进行“认真讨论”。
The point does not fall under the cognizance or deliberations of this committee. 这问题不归这个委员会审理或审议。
These helped guide deliberations at several central banks. 这些模型对几个央行中进行的各类商讨活动起到引导作用。
All subcommittees continued their deliberations initiated during the April meeting to identify key issues and information needs. 所有小组委员会均继续了四月会议期间开始的审议工作,以确定重点问题和信息需求。
When the product of a committee's deliberations is placed in the administrative record, it is available to those who engage in political and judicial oversight of the agency. 当咨询委员会的审议结果置于行政记录中时,它能为那些致力于对行政机构进行政治和司法监督的人所得到。
I'm instructing the foreman to continue deliberations. 我将指示陪审团继续讨论。
Careful deliberations have resulted in agreed upon goals for addressing substantial reduction in energy use. 仔细思量之后我们达成了大幅降低能源使用的目标。
The delegation said that the last IIM session had witnessed an unnecessarily protracted procedural discussion, which prevented deliberations on substantive issues. 代表团说,上届会议用了过长的时间讨论程序问题,从而妨碍了对实质性问题的审议。
Silence ensued around the slumbering child, and the sages of the realm ceased from their deliberations. 寂静随即就笼罩在这熟睡的孩子周围,国家的贤人们也就不再施展他们的深谋远虑了。
Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must be truthfully entered in the transcript. 评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。
Panel deliberations shall be confidential. 专家组的审议情况应保密。
WHO stands ready to be guided by your deliberations and advice. 世卫组织聆听你们的讨论和建议,随时准备接受指导。
"Public hearings and debates will be held to conduct in-depth deliberations for highly technical or complicated laws such as the draft social security law," he said. 他说,对于象《社会治安法》等技术性强、复杂程度高的法律、法规起草时,应通过听证会和辩论会的方式进行深入细致的论证。
In our creative work, even the simplest design is derived from lengthy deliberations. 在我们的创作中,最简单的设计也经历了若干次的打磨和推敲。
A department official added that the deliberations leading to the decision had been thorough and made in consultation with other relevant US agencies. 商务部一名官员表示,在作出这一决定之前进行了周全的考虑,还与美国的其它有关部门进行了磋商。
Recognizing this potential, Congress has established procedures designed to make advisory committee deliberations more accountable to the public. 认识到这一潜势,国会制定了程序,旨在使咨询委员会的审议更好地对公众负责。
Rest assured of full support from the Secretariat in these and all other deliberations. 请放心,秘书处将在这些以及其他各项审议中给予全力支持。
This opposing proposal has resurfaced after being dismissed in earlier Apec deliberations in favour of open regionalism. 在早些时候APEC的考虑中,开放的地区主义得到青睐,而这一与之对立的提议遭到否定,但现在,它又重新浮出水面。
The deliberations of the panel and the documents submitted to it shall be kept confidential. 专家组的审议和提交专家组的文件应保密。
I completely forgot about appointing a summary of our deliberations. 我完全忘了要指定一个秘书。
Its deliberations are secret and its decisions are revealed only months later in an annual report. 会议商议的内容是秘密,会议的决定只在一个月后的年度报告中才被透露。
The ordinances that have not yet been adapted require further deliberations on both the legal and policy issues involved. 尚未作适应化修改的条例涉及法律和政策问题,须再审慎考虑。
What was the result of your deliberations? 你考虑的结果如何?
The jury reached its verdict on the second day of deliberations. 陪审团在审议的第二天做出了判决。