Legal consequences deriving from an international delict 国际违法行为所产生的法律后果
Actuality and Countermeasure about Delict Brought by Extraneous People in Suzhou City during Urbanization 苏州市城市化过程中外来人口犯罪现状及治理对策研究
Applying the American Federal Tort Law to Police's Delict 美国联邦侵权法于警察不法行为之应用
To act out the conception, shang worked out his econmic policy. Shang Yang believed that defending and fathering bureaucracy delict was the chief assignment of law building. 为了使这个构想变为现实,商鞅制订了相应的农业政策。商鞅认为,预防和治理官吏犯罪是法治建设的首要任务。
The term delict and variants thereof are used in civil law systems for civil wrongs. 不法侵害及其变化的术语在民法制度中被用于民事侵权行为上。
From the beginning of the institution design to prevent and decrease delict to the foundation of guide institution in experimental phase and the two specialization idea in extend phrase, social work played an important role in all of them. 从最初的“预防和减少犯罪工作体系”的制度设计,到试点阶段督导制度的建立,以及推广阶段的两种专业化理念的提出,社会工作都担当了重要的角色。
Former supervision system had very big limitation and law leak and could not solve radically the problem of bureaucracy delict. 原有的监察制度存在很大的缺陷和法律漏洞,不能从根本上解决官吏犯罪的问题。
Corporation The Delict of Violating Corporate Capital System COMPANY 公司资本犯罪的控制系统
Normativity: the Concept of Legality on the Basis of Norm& And on the Relationship of Illegality, Delict and Legality 合规范性:规范基础上的合法观念&兼论违法、不法与合法的关系
The paper, starting with the feature that commercial subject has rentability, analyzes the connotation and extension of commercial personal right that should be protect in commercial delict, and then puts forward the concept and feature of commercial delict. 文章从商事主体具有营利性的特点出发,分析了商事侵权行为所应当保护的客体&商事人身权的内涵和外延,最终提出了商事侵权行为的概念和特征。
Analysis on Present-day Situation of Juvenile Deviate Behavior and Delict in Macao 澳门青少年偏差及违法行为现况分析
Application of law of the international consume delict 国际消费侵权纠纷的法律适用
The interrelated factors associated with delict of the aged and mental disorder 老年人犯罪与精神障碍的相关因素分析&附39例司法精神医学鉴定资料
Part 4: In this part, the article puts forward suggestion for legislation, deems that we can form a system of punishing delict in substantive law and realize procedure justice in proceeding. 第四部分,提出了劳动教养制度的实体法与程序法的立法建议,认为实体上应当确立轻罪处罚制度,程序上应当注重实现程序正义。
According to the theory of the unity of retribution and utility in the distribution of penalty, the fine can be applied to greedy crimes, property crimes, delict crimes and negligent crimes. 根据配刑的报应与功利相统一的理论,对于各种贪利性犯罪、侵害财产性犯罪、轻缓的犯罪以及过失犯罪,都应当规定罚金刑;
To civilly protect the name is to identify the action of infracting name right as delict, and charge the actor to undertake civil responsibility. 对姓名权的民法保护,就是认定侵害姓名权的行为为侵权行为,责令行为人承担侵权民事责任。
Medium has the right to report sports star's training style, competition manner, competition achievement, bad hobby and delict in private life. 对体育明星的训练作风、比赛风格和成绩的情况以及私生活中的不良嗜好和违法犯罪行为媒体有权加以曝光。
The constitutive conditions is still made up of damage, act, causality and delict, but it differs from the ordinary civil liabilities in its concrete connotation. 其构成仍遵循损害、行为、因果关系和过错的框架,但其具体内涵又与一般民事责任有差别。
Arbitration purposed to solve the property deadlock by paying money, which makes the arbitrability of delict possible. 仲裁以解决财产纠纷为己任,侵权的纠纷可以给付金钱来了结,此为侵权行为的可仲裁性提供了可能。
Objective To discuss the interrelated factor associated with delict of the aged and Mental disorder. 目的探讨老年人犯罪与精神障碍的相关因素;
It also accord with developing swim of the protectionism law of Bribery delict. 符合国际上关于受贿罪保护法益的发展潮流。
Under the condition of pure devaluation of market price, delict acts still constitutes injuries to economic status of the right owner. 在仅造成市场销售价格降低的情形下,侵害行为依然造成对权利人经济地位的损害。