A delimited ASCII ( DEL) file is a stream of ASCII characters; rows in the data stream are separated by row delimiters, and column values within a row are separated by column delimiters. 分隔的ASCII(DEL)文件是ASCII字符流;数据流中的行由行分隔符分隔,而行中的列值由列分隔符分隔。
For all cluster events, the cluster related information is also available between these delimiters. 对于所有的集群事件而言,集群相关信息也会出现在这些分隔符之间。
The delimiters themselves are not propagated through the message flow. 分隔符本身不通过消息流进行传播。
Class and method bodies are not enclosed in delimiters but are instead indicated by indention of their bodies. 类和方法正文没有包围在定界符中,而是由缩进的正文来体现。
XML-based query languages are constructed to reach any arbitrary position within an XML document's "graph" using sequences of edge labels and delimiters representing a path. 基于XML的查询语言被构造来,使用表示路径的边标签和定界符序列达到XML文档图中的任意位置。
If you wish to generate JSPs, you will have to change the delimiters. 如果您希望生成JSP程序,那就只能修改定界符。
If it finds an INCLUDE member-name between the delimiters, it copies the member into your program. 如果它在分隔符之间找到INCLUDEmember-name,则会将该成员复制到程序中。
No delimiters are written between each propagation. 每次传播之间不写入分隔符。
Better yet, the editor is context-sensitive and can automatically complete PHP control structures, keywords, and string delimiters. 更好的是,编辑器是上下文敏感的,可以自动补全PHP控制结构、关键字和字符串分隔符。
Given the overall concept of hashcash, the use of its specific fields and delimiters is somewhat arbitrary. 从hashcash概念整体来看,具体域和分隔符的使用从某种程度上说是任意的。
Since IXF format does not require delimiters to separate columns and rows, any characters can be used in data. 因为IXF格式没有用定界符分隔列和行,所以数据中可以使用任何字符。
No delimiters are required to separate each propagation from the next. 不需要分隔符将每次传播与下一次传播分离。
In most cases, it's as simple as replacing delimiters with XML tags. 在大多数情况下,它与用XML标记替换定界符一样简单。
In this language, you wish to treat as delimiters but otherwise ignore spaces, tabs, carriage returns and newlines. 在该语言中,您希望将空格、跳格、回车和换行作为分隔符处理,而不是将其忽略。
If both appear in the same file then the node treats both as delimiters. 如果两个序列同时出现在同一个文件中,则节点将两者都视为分隔符。
Use of double quotation mark delimiters on Linux and UNIX-based systems is recommended. 建议在基于Linux和UNIX的系统中使用双引号分隔符。
A non-delimited ASCII ( ASC) file is a stream of ASCII characters; rows in the data stream are separated by row delimiters, and each column within a row is defined by a beginning and ending location. 非分隔的ASCII(ASC)文件就是一个ASCII字符流;数据流中的行由行分隔符分隔,行中的每一列由起始位置和结束位置定义。
Property contains the default delimiters. 属性包含默认分隔符。
By default, these delimiters are { and}, but they can be changed. 默认情况下是{和}但它们是可定制的。
Syntax is not valid: Delimiters not balanced, found end of string, expecting '% 1'. 语法无效:分隔符不均衡,出现在字符串末尾,应为%1。
The order and delimiters among the date fields and time fields depend on the regional settings of the computer. 日期字段和时间字段的顺序和分隔符取决于计算机的区域设置。
To skip leading delimiters is to pass by zero or more contiguous delimiters in the parse area before parsing. 要跳过开头的分界符号是为了在分析之前跳过零或多个连续的分界符号。
If individual name parts require delimiters, each part of the name should be delimited separately as required. 如果各个名称部分需要使用分隔符,则名称的每一部分都应根据要求单独分隔。
Select from the list of available row delimiters, or enter the delimiter text. 从可用行分隔符的列表中选择,或输入分隔符文本。
If delimiters are used inside single quotation marks, the delimiter characters are treated as part of the name. 如果在单引号内使用分隔符,则分隔符字符将被视为名称的一部分。
Defining the delimiters for a text file can also be accomplished with the. 方法完成定义文本文件分隔符的操作。
Select the behavior of suppressing the trailing delimiters. 选择抑制尾随分隔符的行为。
A group of SQL statements enclosed within transaction delimiters that define both the start and end of the transaction. 包含在事务分隔符(用于定义事务的开始和结束)内的一组sql语句。
This includes all the delimiters, reserved words and keywords. 这包括所有的分界符,保留字以及关键字。
A line on a form that may contain delimiters, but does not contain other characters. 可以包含定界符但不包含其它字符的一种格式行。