Truth is, there are very few Michael Dells and Richard bransons out there, and in many cases, these leaders relied on other executives to fill gaps while they carried the broader vision forward. 事实上,很少有人像迈克尔•戴尔和维珍集团创始人理查德•布兰森那样全能,很多时候,领袖都需要依靠其它高管来查漏补缺,他们自己则专注于展望未来,开拓愿景。
Today, nearly 14 years later, Dell ( DELL) is worth$ 27 billion and apple is worth 12.7 Dells. 将近14年过去了,现在,戴尔(Dell)市值仅为270亿美元,而苹果市值是它的12.7倍。
Arbours o'ergrown with woodbine, caves abd dells; 忍冬花爬满了凉亭,岩洞和山涧;
He caught himself hurrying across the dells in the slanting sunlight, praying for the security of the undergrowth again. 这时,他就会急匆匆穿过小山谷,来到斜斜倾洒的阳光下,祈求着自己能再遇到一片矮树丛,可以安全藏身。
The sinking sound of melting snow is heard in all dells, and the ice dissolves apace in the ponds. 在所有的谷中,听得到溶雪的滴答之声,而湖上的冰在迅速地溶化。
You killed that kid at the dells. 戴尔公路上那个学生是你杀的?
Standing at the southeast top of Huangshi Village and looking at your left, you could see tens of dells made of stone peaks. 站在黄石寨顶东南俯视左侧,只见数十座石峰构成的幽谷。