Corporate governance experts say that delving into executive backgrounds personal and otherwise is fair game. 公司治理专家称,探究高管个人或其它方面的背景合情合理。
Many of the observations in his book come from his delving deep into a seemingly random collection of subjects, from meditation and hypnosis to psychology, computer programming, and electronic game design. 亚当斯书中的很多观察成果来自于他对很多看似随意的学科组合的钻研,其中包括冥想、催眠、心理学、计算机编程以及电子游戏设计开发。
The book illustrates this point by delving into good and bad times at big companies such as Cisco and IBM. 这本书以思科(Cisco)和国际商业机器公司(IBM)等大公司的起落为例来说明这一观点。
I rewrote a simple Java class to make it more functional, then began delving into some topics that set functional programming apart from using traditional imperative languages. 我编写了示例Java类,来使其更具功能性,然后开始进入其他主题,来区分函数式编程与传统命令式语言。
Before delving into the details, here are possible use cases for search results and RSS feeds. 在钻研细节之前,这里给出了搜索结果和RSS提要的可能用例。
Milestones are a bit murky when you're delving into elements of enterprise architecture beyond design and IT. 在深入研究除设计和IT以外的企业架构元素时,里程碑有一点含混不清。
Originally intended to use Rational. s testing tools, we felt that our difficulty with GUI testing was a good justification for delving into them. 虽然我们最初不倾向使用Rational的测试工具,但是我们觉得我们在GUI上的困难是我们深入研究Rational测试工具的很好的理由。
Before delving further into the database roles and the related XML needs, let's pause to first describe a few of the common key XML responsibilities that surface when XML data is part of the database. 在更深入挖掘数据库角色及相关XML需求之前,我们首先停下来,描述一些当XML数据成为数据库一部分的时候,所浮现出的常见的关键XML职责。
Delving into the details and technicalities is beyond the scope of this article. 在这篇文章中就不对细节和技巧进行深入研讨了。
Before delving into the use of JMX APIs and creating an Eclipse view, it is necessary to determine what information you want to obtain from the server so that it will display to the user. 在钻研JMXAPI的使用,以及创建Eclipse视图之前,有必要确定您想要从服务器获得什么信息来显示给用户。
Before delving into the options and associated techniques for Network Deployment run time management HA, let's first quickly review the Network Deployment application server architecture. 在深入讨论NetworkDeployment运行时管理HA的选项和相关技巧之前,让我们先快速回顾一下NetworkDeployment应用服务器架构。
Before delving into the details of Broker Explorer, it is important to understand the management operations that you can perform and the scope of those operations, which are explained below. 深入研究BrokerExplorer的细节之前,了解您能够执行的管理操作和这些操作的范围是很重要的,下面将进一步介绍。
Before delving into specific point-by-point recommendations, we want to take a moment to outline the fundamental techniques for creating secure systems. 在详细研究具体建议之前,我们打算花一些时间来概述创建安全系统的基础技术。
At this stage, we need to be careful to avoid delving into the details of the system whose use cases we're analyzing, by staying at a "black box" level. 在此阶段,我们需要小心地避免深入到正在对其用例进行分析的系统中,要停留在黑盒级别。
Starting with the frame list keeps the storyboard organized and helps you nail down the step-by-step outline before delving into the details of each frame or sketch. 以框架列表开始可以使故事板有组织,而且还可以帮助你钻研每一框架或者示意图细节之前确定一步步的纲要。
So before delving into modeling the service that manages the purchase order documents that were modeled in the first article, you need to install the transformation into Software Architect. 所以在研究管理第一篇文章中的购买订单文档的服务建模之前,您需要将转换安装到SoftwareArchitect中。
Portal toolkits could provide a plug-in system for content sections to make it easier for designers to pick from a wide range of on-line services without delving into a lot of technical details. 门户工具包可为内容部分提供插件系统,以便在没有深入钻研许多技术细节的情况下,使设计人员从大量联机服务中挑选服务时变得更容易。
Later, he switched to bass guitar while delving into songwriting. 后来,他转向贝斯吉他开始钻研写歌。
Chose a few initiatives that will work well for your company and gain you incremental success until you are more comfortable in really delving into the social media and applications. 选择一些对您的公司来说行之有效的新方案,直到你真正深入到社会化媒体和相关应用之中,并且游刃有余,您就一点点地赢得了成功。
What do you like to do best?& delving into books. 你最喜欢做的事是什么?&啃书本。
The channeling I am sharing with you this month, DELVING DEEPER INTO SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING, was done here on Kauai before Christmas. 通灵,我这个月与你们一起分享,深入探究进入灵性理解中,是在考艾岛圣诞节之前完成。
Environmental journalists should be delving deeper into environment and development issues to provide more balanced coverage, argues Talli Nauman in this article in The Herald Mexico. TalliNauman在墨西哥先驱报的这篇文章中认为,环境记者必须深入研究环境和发展问题,从而提供更加平衡的报道。
Themoon represents intuition and delving deep into the unconscious. 月亮象徵直觉和摸索深层下意识。
Delving deeper into history and scanning a wide horizon, it is producing evidence and clues about how lasting the scars are likely to be. 在对历史进行更深入挖掘和广泛分析后,人们得到了相关的证据和线索,能够预测这次衰退留下的创伤可能会持续多久。
He has been delving into the American literature of 20th century. 他一直在潜心研究美国20世纪文学。
Moreover, a lot of business research focuses on the top of organisations rather than delving into how effective action really occurs. 此外,许多商业研究关注的都是组织的顶层,而非深入研究有效行动究竟是如何产生的。
Diversification can make person's point of view, and too long time fresh delving into a narrow field is easily makes jack a dull boy. 多样化会使人的观点新鲜,而过于长时间钻研一个狭窄的领域则易使人愚钝。
Before delving into details of JBoss middleware products I will quickly describe here our basic approach for building VMS solutions. 在深入了解JBoss中间件产品的细节之前,我将快速地描述构建VMS解决方案的基本方式。
Whether for purposes of avoiding infringement or applying for a patent, some of these less obvious areas are worth delving into. 无论是为了避免侵权还是为了申请专利,这些较少被关注的领域都是值得深入研究一下的。