Three published polls all revealed the Lib Dems gaining ground at the Tories 'expense. 3个已公布的民意调查均显示自由民主党正在夺取保守党的阵地。
He brought his cabinet together for the first time Thursday, after forming a coalition government earlier in the week by striking a deal with the Lib Dems following polls on May 6 that failed to produce a clear winner. 卡梅伦于本周四召开了上任后的首次内阁会议。因本月6日的大选未能决出胜负,本周早些时候,卡梅伦领导的保守党与自民党达成协议,组建了新一届的联合政府。
The Lib Dems would be more awkward in a second term coalition. 自民党在第二个执政联盟中将更加尴尬。
At this delicate moment, the best outcome would be a continuation of the 2010 coalition between the Conservatives and Lib Dems. 在这个微妙的时刻,最好的结局将是延续2010年保守党和自民党的联盟。
He has argued persuasively that the Lib Dems contributed to sensible fiscal consolidation and tempered the wilder Tory impulses, particularly on Europe. 他令人信服地指出,自民党促进了合理的财政整固,缓和了保守党一些较为疯狂的冲动,特别是在欧洲问题上。
Under PR, most parliaments would probably be hung, and Lib Dems could dream of playing a pivotal role in endless coalitions. 在PR下,议会大多都没有多数党,自民党就能期待在无尽的联合政府中担任关键角色了。
Modeling Slope Uncertainty Derived from DEMs in China Loess Plateau 黄土高原数字高程模型提取地面坡度的不确定性模拟
Mr Cameron must bind in left-leaning Lib Dems without alienating right-wing Tories, whose disgruntlement is quiet but real ( and intensifying). 卡梅伦必须一面团结好中左的自民党,一面不疏远不满情绪暗流汹涌的右翼保守党。
Conversion Accuracy Between DEMs of Different Data Structure in Loess Hill and Gully Area 黄土丘陵沟壑区不同数据结构DEM转换精度研究
The consequences were on show in Birmingham this week, where the Lib Dems held their annual conference. 自民党本周在伯明翰召开年会,苦果渐露。
On becoming deputy prime minister last year, Nick Clegg ( above) implored the Lib Dems to "own" everything the coalition did. 自去年当选副首相之后,尼克·克拉格就低三下四地乞求联合政府应当给予自民党同等待遇。
Construction and Application of Uniform Analysis Model for Terrain Visibility Based on DEMs DEM地形可视性分析的统一模型构建与应用
Application of DEMs in Regional Soil Erosion Modeling DEM与区域土壤侵蚀地形因子研究
American tax code, pushed by the Dems, give tax benefits to companies which ship jobs overseas. 美国的免税代码,对将工作机会转向海外的企业给予税收优惠。
FPTP hurts the Lib Dems and smaller parties such as the Greens or the extreme-right British National Party all over the country. FPTP在全国范围都伤害了自民党和其他小党派(如绿党和极右的英国国家党)的利益。
He wanted to show that Tory motives are high-minded, and that the coalition's good works are not delegated to the Lib Dems. 他要显示出保守党的动机是高尚的,执政联盟取得的成绩并不是由自民党代行的。
Method of Extracting Surface Peaks Based on Reverse DEMs 基于反地形DEM的山顶点自动提取
The Lib Dems say they want to keep the deterrent for now, but they would like to find a cheaper and less powerful alternative to the mighty trident system. 自民党表示,他们愿意在当前保持核威慑,但想要找到一种花费较小、威力也小些的系统来代替威力强大的三叉戟系统。
The Lib Dems rejected Mr Beecroft's boldest idea& giving employers the right to sack unproductive workers with compensation but without giving a reason. 比克罗夫提出这样一个大胆想法&赋予雇主在只给付赔偿金而不必给予解释的情况下解雇无工作能力的雇员的权利。
For related reasons, the Lib Dems lost seats in 2010 despite a strong election campaign: there are fewer seats where conservatives can vote tactically to oust labour. 而自民党2010年虽然竞选造势强劲,但还是丢掉了席位,其原因也与此相关:保守党为把工党赶下台而需有策略投票的席位减少了。
The Lib Dems are paying a price for throwing in their lot with Mr Cameron. 自民党把他们的筹码压在卡梅伦这边,他们正在为此付出代价。
Mr Clegg's vision of the Lib Dems as a party of the centre often looked remote. 克莱格把自民党打造成核心党派的远景显得愈发遥不可及。
Mr Cameron believes a coalition would be in the national interest and dispatched a team of senior colleagues to talk to the Lib Dems in more than six hours of power-sharing talks. 卡梅伦认为,两党联盟将符合国家利益。他派遣了一个由保守党高层组成的团队与自民党谈判,就权力分享磋商了六个多小时。
The Impact of Elevation Interpolation on the Accuracy of Gradient and Aspect from DEMs 高程内插方法对DEM所提取坡度、坡向精度的影响
Even as the Lib Dems deplore them as "brutal", the prospect that the two parties could end up governing together for a decade cannot be discounted. 尽管自民党人谴责保守党是“野蛮人”,但在未来十年间,两党继续联合执政也还是极有可能的。
With others hoping to be sent to the House of Lords, there is pressure to ditch a coalition pledge to Lib Dems to create a mostly elected upper house. 由于另一些人希望可以因此进入上议院,迫于压力他可能会违背诺言,不再与自民党一起推行民选上议院制度。
However, the features of topographic information of these DEMs have not been clarified. 然而,对于这些DEM数据的地形信息容量特征却未能从理论上予以阐明。
Good thing you dems gave them so much money to keep them here. 你们给了梦中的美好事物太多资金,使他们在这儿生存下来。
Comparison of Terrain Representation of SRTM and Topographic Derived DEMs SRTM与地形图生成DEM的地形表达能力对比
High accuracy DEMs is an important data in study of soil erosion and terrain feature space analysis. 高精度数字高程模型(DEM)是水土流失规律研究与流域地形空间分析中重要的空间数据。