We do suggest a lightweight set of common denominators so experience reports will give a complete picture, and we suggest that you add as many or as few as you want from that starting point. 我们确实建议一组轻量的公分母,这样经验报告将给出完全的描述,并且我们建议您从那个起始点开始添加如您希望的那样多或那样少的公分母。
Most of my correspondents have been quite or even very successful, yet there are few common denominators in their behaviour, ambitions or world views at all. 我的多数读者都是相当(甚至非常)成功,然而,他们的行为、理想或世界观几乎没有什么相同标准。
While hailing from different backgrounds, geographies and business lines, they share such common denominators as the anxiety and challenge that come with wealth. 虽然参加者的背景、地区和行业各不相同,但他们仍拥有共同的地方,比如焦虑及财富带来的挑战等。
An integer that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions. 一个整数是两个或两个以上分数分母的公倍数。
Sister Carrie was a naturalistic book in that it had the usual denominators. 《嘉莉妹妹》是一部自然主义小说,因为有常见的自然主义特色。
A rational cubic interpolating spline based on function values and with quadratic denominators is constructed. 构造了一种基于函数值的分母为二次的C1连续有理三次插值样条。
Pade ′─ type Approximation to Analytic Function with Denominators ( 1+ z/ n) ̄ n 以(1十z/n)~n为分母的Pade型逼近
The condition that the denominators of them are zeros is analyzed and the way to deal with that condition is presented. 分析了这两个量的表达式的成立条件,给出了它们的表达式分母为零的处理办法。仿真研究表明,所提出的方法能准确的估计感应电机的转速和转子电阻。