The fixed point of continuous function is an important content in denotational semantics, which specifies the computing properties of programs. 连续函数的不动点是指称语义的一个重要内容,它刻画了程序的计算性质。
A Denotational Semantic Description for Safe Ambient Calculus Ambient演算的一种分层语义
Theory of Description, Direct Denotational Semantics and Two-Dimensional Semantics 传统描述、直接指称与二维语义理论
Then, we make a research that the definiteness and indefiniteness of the denotational information are both meet the needs of speech act. 接着研究了指称信息的确定性和不确定性都是言语行为的需要。
Object description language and its denotational semantics 对象描述语言及其指称描述
A shared variable language with process creation is defined in this paper. Its structural operational semantics is described using transition systems and its denotational semantics is defined with an extension of transition trace model. 针对一个基于共享变量的带有进程创建的命令式语言,用变迁系统描述了它的结构操作语义,并用扩展的状态变迁迹模型定义了它的指称语义。
Operational semantics and denotational semantics are two type of formal semantics. 其中操作语义学和指称语义学是形式语义学的两大类别。
Queries about Part of Speech is the Class Based on Denotational Function 对词类是表述功能类的质疑
The automatic generation system, which transforms the denotational semantics of code generation languages into efficient compiler code generator, has been developed. 本文中描述了把代码生成语言的指称语义描述变换为编译程序代码生成器的一个变换系统。
Denotational Semantics for Graph-Based Rules in Active Databases 主动数据库中基于图的规则的指称语义研究
The emphasis is given to the denotational description of code generation languages. 本文侧重讨论了代码生成语言的指称描述。
A noun has the denotational and the referential meaning. 名词的词义有基本意义和实指意义两个方面。
A denotational semantics transform technology from continuation to direct is given based on the analysis between the two in the early research, and here continuations in different context are handled differently. 基于Monad思想推导出的接续语义函数和直接语义函数之间的关系,给出了基于规约的从接续指称语义描述形式到直接指称语义描述形式的转换技术,分别考虑了接续函数在不同情形下的处理。
In this paper, we take probabilistic event structures as our semantic model and provide a metric denotational semantics for probabilistic process algebra. 本文中,我们采用概率事件结构作为语义模型,研究了概率进程代数的度量指称语义。
Some considerations based on duration calculus are presented when we define a new framework for VHDL denotational semantics. 在此基础上,简要介绍了作者提出的基于时段逻辑的VHDL语义的框架时对VHDL指称语义的看法。
Introduces topological methods in domain theory of denotational semantics of computer programming languages. 讨论计算机程序设计语言的Domain理论中的拓扑方法。
This paper present the meaning of semantic equivalence and Herbrand equivalence based on denotational sematics with concrete programming language. 从指称语义出发,结合具体语言,用形式化的方法讨论了语义等价和H-等价(Herbrand等价)。
A Denotational Semantic of Analogy JAVA Language 一个类Java语言的指称语义
The denotational information passing in the speech act, have different precision according different denotation means used by speakers. 在言语行为中传递的指称信息,由于发话人使用不同的指称手段而具有不同的精度。
Metric Denotational Semantics for Probabilistic Process Algebra 概率进程代数的度量指称语义
Using syntax of IMP, the operational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is given first, then the denotational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is deduced, and finally the equivalence of them is proved in detail. 本文使用简单的命令式语言IMP的语法,首先给出了repeat-until循环语句的操作语义,然后详细推导出了其指称语义,并在此基础上详细证明了它们二者之间的语义等价性。
One can also study Domain theory on denotational semantics of computer programming languages by using the topological system. 它可以用来研究计算机程序语言的指称语义的Domain理论。
Denotational semantics of an object-oriented distributed real-time language 一个面向对象的实时分布式语言的指称语义
Denotational semantics for code generation languages 代码生成语言的指称语义
The correctness and reliability of the operational semantics model were proved by Hoare logic and denotational semantics. 通过Hoare逻辑和基本指称语义对本文所定义的操作语义模型的正确性和可靠性进行了证明。
At the same time, types of speech act, discourse intention of the speakers and the recognition level to the denotation object will influence denotational information by two sides. 同时指称信息也会受言语行为的类型、发话人的话语意图,以及双方对指称对象的认知程度这些因素的影响,呈现出不确定性。
Denotational semantics of distributed programming language 分布式程序设计语言的指称语义
Equivalence proving of operational and denotational semantics about Repeat-until statement Repeat-until语句的操作语义与指称语义的等价性证明
In addition, all the algebraic laws are then proved to be valid both under the operational and denotational models. 接下来,我们证明了代数语义中的代数定律在操作语义和指称语义中也都是成立的。
Denotational semantics studies the transactional behavior on the basis of mathematical models. 指称语义在数学模型的基础上对事务的整体行为进行严格的解释。