These figures are arrived at on the basis of dentists 'receipts for 1991-1992. 这些数字是根据1991至1992年间的牙医收据统计得出的。
Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door. 牙医声称政府正通过暗箱操作将牙医业私有化。
Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country. 许多牙医不再为依靠国民保健制度的病人看病,这是该国的一大倒退。
He was convinced that doctors and dentists knew best. 他确信医生和牙医最清楚该怎么做。
For months dentists and the health department have been at loggerheads over fees 数月来,牙医和卫生部门为费用问题针锋相对。
A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them. 照理说,学校也有牙医诊所,可实际上,里面的牙医寥寥无几。
Children often fight shy of dentists. 孩子们常常害怕看牙病。
Most dentists recommend brushing for two or three minutes, but few people ever make it to that. 大多数的牙医都建议人们刷牙要刷两到三分钟,但是很少有人能做到。
The family health services are those given to patients by doctors, dentists, opticians and pharmacists. 家庭保健服务由医生、牙医、眼科大夫和药剂师提供给病人。
The biography describes lively, diverse friends including actresses, poets, dentists, judges and British royals. 这本传记栩栩如生描写了道奇森的各种朋友,包括女演员、诗人、牙医、法官和英国贵族。
HIV sufferers could soon be able to work as surgeons or dentists. 英国的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者不久后有望从事外科医生或牙医的工作。
Indeed, many dentists and other doctors keep aquariums in their waiting rooms. 的确,很多牙医和其他医生都会在他们的候诊室里放鱼缸。
But dentists found there are more people with bruxism in Ireland. 但牙医们发现在爱尔兰,磨牙症患者数目更多。
An alloy of metal with another metal ( usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth. 金属和另一种金属(通常是银)的合金,牙医用来填补牙洞。
Along with dentists and tax collectors, construction workers must have one of the most hated professions. 建筑工人这一职业大概可以和牙医以及收税员一起并列为最让人反感的行业了。
I read that dentists used to use it to sedate pediatric patients. 我查到这通常是牙医给儿科病人的镇静剂。
Jeff: it's also the country with the most dentists. 杰夫:它还是一个牙医最多的国家。
Eminent senior doctors and dentists taking part in research, teaching or clinical practice. 杰出的高级医生和牙医参加研究,教学和医学实践。
Moreover, even in states that have raised Medicaid payments, most dentists still do not accept Medicaid patients. 此外,即便国家增加了公共医疗补助的投入,大多数牙医仍然不接收使用医疗补助的病人。
One hundred doctors, dentists, nurses and social workers joined the Group making Bethune their secretary. 一百名医生、牙医、护士和社会工作者参加了这个组织,推举白求恩作他们的书记。
Most Americans visit dentists to have their teeth checked. 大多数美国人去看牙医作牙齿检查。
Some dentists wonder how much will have changed. 有些牙医怀疑究竟会有多少变化。
Sometimes they don't care because they refuse to see dentists, but other times they want more information. 有时他们不以为意因为他们拒绝看医生,但大多数时候他们想了解更多的信息。
Recent recruits include a former oil prospector and a nuclear physicist, social workers, doctors, and dentists. 最近吸纳的新成员有一位前石油勘探工作者、一位核物理学家、社会工作者、医生和牙医。
They say there's a lot of dentists staying here. 他们说有许多牙科医生住在这里。
Meanwhile, the A.D.A.does not support opening new dental schools or otherwise increasing the number of dentists. 同时,全美牙科协会不会支持开设新的牙科学校或者增加牙医的数量。
Dentists say the best thing people can do for their teeth is to keep them clean. 牙医说人们能为牙齿做的最好的事情就是保持口腔清洁。
Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. 牙科医生总是在你不能回答时问你问题。
I married him because he was more interesting than the dentists and accountants who asked me. 我嫁给他是因为他要比曾向我求婚的牙医、会计,人更有趣。
I have the names of many dentists better than he is. 我有很多比他厉害的牙医。