The deportations would be a death blow to the peace process 这些驱逐行动将给和平进程带来致命的一击。
Republican leaders limited funding for the agency so it can force the president to reverse his executive order that removes the threat of deportations from millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States. 共和党领导人对国土安全部的经费加以限制,以迫使奥巴马总统撤销有关使美国境内数百万非法移民免予遣返的政令。
Her visit was closely watched as a test of how open the city dared to be while hosting the Olympic torch, and follows the deportations of several activists in the past few days. 她此行受到外界的密切关注,被视为对奥运火炬传递之际香港开放程度的一种检验,此前数日,一些激进活动分子被遣返。
The Thai and Laotian governments deny using duress in the deportations. 泰国和老挝政府否认在驱逐这些难民的过程中有强迫行为。
Deportations of undocumented migrants and the arrest on both sides of alleged spies. 塔奇拉州还将无身份证明的移民驱逐出境,并逮捕双方边境上那些所谓的间谍。
For the first time we've stopped deportations. 我们第一次阻止了敌人放逐行动。