Now it has established grocery depots in dozens of small cities in India that ship supplies daily to storekeepers who used to have to travel in order to stock their shelves. 现在,它已在印度数十个小城市建立了杂货仓库,每天为店主供货。以前,这些店主必须外出进货,才能囤满货架。
The sprawling complex of low-rise concrete buildings, which is overlooked by two watchtowers and fenced in with barbed wire, lies in a squalid area in the eastern part of the city, surrounded by abandoned factories and truck depots. 这个拘留所位于合肥东部一个肮脏的区域,是一片低层水泥建筑,在两座了望塔的监视之下,被带刺铁丝网包围着,周围都是一些废弃的工厂和卡车仓库。
In addition to mining for platinum and other precious metals, the company plans to tap asteroids 'water to supply orbiting fuel depots, which could be used by NASA and others for robotic and human space missions. 除了开采白金和其它贵重金属外,该公司还计划开采小行星中的水资源,来供应轨道燃料补给站,美国宇航局和其它机构都可以利用这些补给站进行机器人进行的和载人的航天任务。
Nearly a quarter of French gas stations are without fuel because of the blockade of refineries and fuel depots, and there has been some panic buying. 由于炼油厂和油库被封锁,法国已经有将近四分之一的加油站发生供油短缺,导致一些民众进行恐慌性抢购。
With hundreds of television sets stacked high, Changhong Electronics 'warehouse in Shunde resembles many other storage depots in southern China, but their destinations reveal an important shift in global trade patterns. 长虹电器(ChanghongElectronics)位于广东顺德的仓库堆满了成百上千的电视机,这一幕与中国南方其它无数仓库没有什么不同,但这些电视机的目的地反映了全球贸易模式的重要转变。
Overnight, riot police lifted the blockade at three fuel depots, in Donges, La Rochelle and Le Mans. 防暴警察连夜解除了多杰斯、拉罗谢尔和勒芒三处燃料仓库外的封锁。
It is efficient in small fuel depots, parking garages, warehouses, baking rooms, or other places without human working or staying. 适用于小型油库、车库、仓库、烘房等无人工作或停留的场所。
So far, it has only filled depots holding 9.8m barrels of crude. 截止目前,印度才向储备库注入了980万桶原油。
Discussion of Oily Sewage Treatment Technology and Discharging in Oil Depots 石油库含油污水处理技术及排放探讨
Behind our front immense masses of stores and ammunition were accumulated in the depots all along the communications. 在我们前线的后方,沿交通线的军需库中,堆积着大量的给养和弹药。
They could use these bombs to destroy airfields and oil depots. 他们可以用这些炸弹来摧毁机场及油库。
Composition and Diversity of Acaroid Mites Community in the Storage Depots in Huaibei Area 淮北市仓储环境中粉螨种群组成及多样性分析
The grain drying system discussed in this paper, which has been put into operation in grain depots, is developed in accordance with the requirement of the large or medium sized grain depots built over the recent years in China. 粮食烘干系统是依据近年来我国大中型粮库的需要研制和开发的,目前,已相继在一些粮库中使用。
"Victory cargo ships are lined up at a U.S.west coast shipyard for final outfitting before they are loaded with supplies for Navy depots and advance bases in the Pacific." Ca.1944. 在美国西海岸船厂中基本完工的等待最后装备的胜利型货轮,这些船只将把供应物资送往海军位于太平洋的仓库和前进基地,加州,1944年。
He dded that they have also destroyed munitions depots, maintenance facilities and also the command center, and an historic base for the Libyan regime. 他还说,他们已经摧毁了几个武器库、一些维修设施和一个指挥中心,该中心还是利比亚统治集团的历史性基地。
He also said he would open the arms depots to arm civilians so as to defend the country's independence, territorial integrity and glory. 他也说,他将要开放武器仓库以武装平民,以保护国家的独立,领土完整及荣誉。
Two, the new supply depots are excellent at building the perfect barricade in early game. 新的补给站(笔者:人族人口支持建筑)非常适合用于初期的堵口。
I'll start checking munitions depots. 我马上开始检查弹药库。
Cycle parking facilities are planned throughout the site, as are central recycling collection and composting depots. 这里遍布可重复使用的公用自行车,和停车点。
Lessor's depots may mail or dispatch to lessee invoices for repair and other charges for the containers. 出租人的集装箱装卸站可以直接邮寄或发送给承租人相关的集装箱维修或相关费用票据。
For the large oil depots, it's of great important to achieve automatic quantitative delivery in order to meet the need of market. 对于油库或类似大型储运单位,实现对油罐车(船)的自动化集散定量装车控制和管理具有积极的市场意义。
Building strategic underground water-sealed oil depots is one important access to assure the safe and stable national oil storage system. 建设战略地下水封石油储备库是完善国家石油储备体系的重要途径之一。
And as turkeys or toys fly off retail shelves, messages will be sent on electronic systems that will communicate with supply depots, warehouses and transport groups across the world, to create a seamless supply chain. 并且,随着火鸡或玩具飞离零售货架,信息会被发送到与遍布全球的补给库房、仓库和运输集团进行通讯的电子系统,以创造无缝供应链。
Gaddafi has vowed retaliation and said he will open arms depots to the people to defend Libya. 卡扎菲宣称要做出反击,并打开军火库武装人民以捍卫利比亚。
Guideline for design of petroleum depots energy conservation 石油库节能设计导则
Installations such as explosives depots and chemical stores, and dangerous goods transport routes may pose a risk to nearby residents. 危险设施(例如炸药及化学品仓库)和危险品的运输路线,可能对附近居民构成危险。
Maintenance depots across the country, giving you more at ease use. 遍布全国的维修站,让您更放心的使用。
Comparison of Depots 'Scale between Domestic and Foreign Urban Rail Transit Systems 国内外城市轨道交通车辆段规模比较分析