So at the end of the second episode the future of Downton still looks uncertain. Mrs Hughess cancer scare is set to develop and she really rather depressingly concludes that everyone at Downton will eventually die. 所以到第二集为止,唐顿庄园的未来依旧没个着落。休斯夫人的癌症继续恶化,她甚至绝望地认为唐顿的所有人最终都会死。
But the two fields graced by Curie remain depressingly male. 但令人郁闷的是,居里夫人获奖的两个领域仍是男性的天下。
Depressinglybadv: The crime rate is depressingly high. 犯罪率太高,令人忧心忡忡。
Yet against that depressingly familiar backdrop, some fundamental numbers are moving in the right direction ( see). 然而在这让人郁闷的熟悉背景之下,一些基本数据在朝好的方向发展(看)。
Rather depressingly, late-night talkshow host David Letterman outshines the sun in his effect on what people are doing. 令人郁闷的是,深夜脱口秀节目主持人大卫•莱特曼(DavidLetterman)对人们行为的影响甚至比太阳还要大。
Finally and most depressingly, is the cover story of this month's Harvard Business Review, which is a 10-page rant about how senior women have never had it so bad. 最后,也是最令人沮丧的是《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)9月的封面故事,用10页纸的篇幅慷慨激昂地讲述女性高管的境况从未如此糟糕。
Worse, if that feeds into expectations the world will be depressingly similar to the 1970s. We are not there. 更糟糕的是,如果这影响到通胀预期,那么全球将令人沮丧地回到上世纪70年代。现在我们还没有到那一步。
Depressingly, planning approval has apparently been given to 100 more towers. 令人沮丧的是,显然,获得规划批准还有100座大厦将要兴建。
Above all, it comes from what is a depressingly rare intellectual stance: Prof Lin firmly believes in the beneficial power of market forces. 最重要的是,它源自一种稀罕得令人沮丧的思想立场:林毅夫教授坚信市场的益处。
Depressingly, the two seem to be making little headway in the Doha trade round, either between themselves or with the Group of20 largest developing countries. 沮丧的是,欧洲和美国在多哈贸易会谈上却鲜有进展,包括他们两者和最大发展中国家的G-20。
The story was depressingly familiar. 故事熟悉得令人乏味。
This looks depressingly right to me. 在我看来,这种表述既正确,又令人郁闷。
Today he sees the behaviour as depressingly ordinary. 今天他认识到他的行为是令人沮丧而毫无意义的。
More likely, during the general election he will out-argue John McCain, a stout but not especially articulate free-trader, and nudge global opinion in a depressingly protectionist direction. 更有可能的是,在大选期间他将辩倒约翰?麦凯恩――坚定的自由贸易论者,却不是特别的能言善辩――从而把全球观点朝保护主义方向推进,令人郁闷。
Instead, depressingly, football has come to dominate everything. 令人沮丧的是,足球已经取代这两项运动,主导了一切。
The list is a depressingly long one. They all seemed like sensible ideas at the time, although with hindsight they were obvious duds. 这个单子长得让人压抑,它们当时看起来似乎都是明智的点子,但回想起来就觉得毫无新意。
Nothing will solve the larger problem, however, except greater education& something that remains depressingly far off. 除了加强教育,没有什么能够解决更大的问题,然而,教育现状却令人堪忧。
My score was depressingly low. 我的分数令人沮丧地低。
Though it is depressingly rare for the underdog to win in the real world, I'd like to cling to the idea that when they do, they have something special to offer that the overdog does not. 尽管在现实世界中失败者成功的可能性小得令人沮丧,但我愿意坚持这种观点,那就是一旦他们获得成功,他们会带来一些特别的东西,而这些是那些天之骄子们所不具备的。
Only then will the depressingly close correlation between sovereign risk and the performance of European bank shares of the past six months be broken. 只有这样,才能打破过去6个月间主权债务风险与欧洲银行类股走势之间那种令人沮丧的紧密联动关系。
Although China has definitely put forward the development strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and technology in recent years and begun to give priority to education, investment on education remains depressingly far off. 近年来我国明确提出了科教兴国的发展战略,开始把教育摆在优先发展的地位,但教育投资情况仍然令人堪忧。