She grinned derisively while I seethed with rage 我怒火中烧,她却嘲弄地咧着嘴笑。
The press were derisively rejecting the peace terms. 新闻界以嘲笑的口吻拒绝那些和平条款。
The others laughed derisively. 其余的人不以为然地笑了起来。
"So that was it?" Archer said derisively. “原来是这么回事!”阿切尔嘲笑地说。
` Sorry, 'she repeated derisively. ‘对不起。’她嘲弄地重复着。
It seemed to be his wish and purpose to mask this expression with a smile; but the latter played him false, and flickered over his visage so derisively, that the spectator could see his blackness all the better for it. 他似乎有意用微笑来遮掩,但那种微笑却暴露出他的虚伪,在他脸上时隐时现,似是在捉弄他,使旁人益发清楚地看出他的阴险。
But here in Pattaya, officials chuckle derisively at the notion that the city can be totally sanitized. 但是在芭堤雅,官员们对城市能够完全净化的想法嗤之以鼻。