You had to change multiple deployment descriptors, configuration files, and various interfaces. 您必须更改多个部署描述符、配置文件和各种接口。
Since we specified the default build descriptors earlier, the generation will be easier. 由于我们已在前面指定了缺省构建描述符,故使得生成变得更容易了。
A method descriptor just combines field descriptors to specify the parameter types and return type of a method. 方法描述符结合了字段描述符,以指定方法的参数类型和返回类型。
Using JAX-WS, you can deploy a Web service without using deployment descriptors! 使用JAX-WS时,无需使用部署描述符就能部署Web服务!
Contains the EJB class files and deployment descriptors. 包含EJB类文件和部署描述符。
Class references in this internal form are used as part of field and method descriptors. 采用这种内部形式的类引用是作为字段和方法描述符的一部分使用的。
JFS2 also makes use of B+ trees for fast directory lookups as well as managing extent descriptors. JFS2还使用了B+树,以便更快地查找目录和管理分区描述符。
The deployment descriptors define the applications that the framework manages and are typically packaged as J2EE application archives. 部署描述符定义了该框架管理下的应用程序,并且通常打包为J2EE应用程序档案文件。
A select() call returns a list of file descriptors for which at least one registered event has occurred. select()调用返回一个文件描述符列表,对于每个文件描述符至少注册了一个事件。
In these cases, you can use descriptors for attributes. 在这些情况下,您可以对属性使用描述符。
Both the client application and the MDB have deployment descriptors. 客户端应用程序和MDB两者都有部署描述符。
Under the WEB-INF directory, create two simple XML deployment descriptors. 在WEB-INF目录下,创建两个简单的XML部署描述符。
Closely related to disk is the number of file descriptors that can be open. 与磁盘密切相关的是可以打开的文件描述符数量。
It also makes XML-based deployment descriptors optional for application packages. 它还使得基于XML的部署描述符成为应用程序包的可选组件。
To cluster these components, their deployment descriptors are augmented with specific XML elements. 要集群这些组件,它们的部署描述符需要使用特定的XML元素进行扩充。
The signature format extends the idea of field and method descriptors to include generic type information. 签名格式扩展了字段和方法描述符的概念,将泛型类型信息包含于其中。
Also these deployment descriptors are overwritten every time the deployment code is generated for the BPEL. 同时,当每次生成用于BPEL的部署代码时都会重写这些部署描述符。
A USB device may have one or more configurations, which are described by their corresponding configuration descriptors. 一台USB设备可以有一个或者多个配置,这由它们相应的配置描述符所描述。
You can further tailor elements beyond what is defined in the method library by using descriptors to add information. 还可以通过使用描述符来添加信息,从而进一步对元素进行定制,而不限于方法库中定义的内容。
All threads in a process can share the same file descriptors. 一个进程中的所有线程可以共享相同的文件描述符。
It uses two XML-based deployment descriptors to specify the deployment characteristics of a client. 它使用两个基于XML的部署描述符描述客户机的部署特征。
EJBs are distributed with deployment descriptors that include information such as transaction attributes, security authorizations, and persistence. EJB是通过部署描述符进行分布的,部署描述符包括事务属性、安全性授权和持久性等信息。
With JEE, annotation capabilities reduce boilerplate code and make deployment descriptors optional. 有了JEE,注释功能就减少了出错代码,并使得部署描述器的选择更加自由。
You can also add various tags to generate deployment descriptors for JBoss, Weblogic, Orion, and WebSphere. 您还可以添加一些不同的标签为JBoss、WebLogic、Orion和WebSphere生成一些部署描述符。
The cache policy is specified declaratively and configuration is through XML deployment descriptors. 其缓存的策略是声明性的,而且其配置是通过XML配置描述符来实现的。
Facilities include open file handles ( file descriptors), shared memory, process synchronization primitives, and current directory. 这些设施包括打开文件句柄(文件描述符)、共享内存、进程同步原语和当前目录。
This is why we have vendor-specific deployment descriptors. 这就是我们使用特定于供应商的部署描述符的原因。
The field descriptors allow integers and decimal number to be read and written. 字域说明符允许把整数和十进制数读入和打印出来。
This plugin can be used for generating OSGi service descriptors based on annotations. 该插件可以用来基于注解产生OSGi服务描述符。