You can use JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON) to serialize and deserialize objects so that they can be sent between the browser client and the server via Ajax. 您可以使用JavascriptObjectNotation(JSON)实现对象的序列化和反序列化,使得能够在浏览器客户端和服务器之间,通过Ajax来发送它们。
SCA POJO invocation has high efficiency because it does not need to serialize or deserialize for input and response parameters. SCAPOJO调用的效率很高,因为它不需要对输入和响应参数进行序列化和解序列化。
Deserialize the return value. 对返回值进行反序列化。
You can parse business objects into a XML document and deserialize them from the XML document using Service Data Object ( SDO) APIs. 您可以将业务对象解析为XML文档,并使用服务数据对象(SDO)API通过XML文档对其进行反序列化。
This simple example, which demonstrates how you can serialize/ deserialize objects using XStream, features two classes: Writer and Reader. 这个简单的例子示范了如何使用XStream序列化/逆序列化对象,包括两个类:Writer和Reader。
There are two constructors; one is used to serialize a MIDI ShortMessage object into a byte array whilst the second is used to deserialize a byte array and topic into a MIDI ShortMessage. 其中有两个构造器:一个用于将MIDIShortMessage对象串行输入到字节阵列,而第二个用来将字节阵列和主题反序列化到MIDIShortMessage中。
The Web services code generation keeps your business logic intact in the method body, and focuses on how to serialize Java objects into XML ( and deserialize that XML into Java objects). Web服务代码生成令您的业务逻辑在方法体中保持完整,并且着重于如何将Java对象序列化为XML(并且将该XML反序列化为Java对象)。
You can share the data classes Flight, Traveller, and Bag with the client, and use the XStream API to serialize and deserialize the XML. 客户机可以共享数据类Flight、Traveller和Bag,并使用XStreamAPI对XML进行序列化和去序列化。
If you're sending a new type in your xsd: anyType field to an old receiver, that receiver likely won't be able to deserialize that type into a language-specific object. 如果您在xsd:anyType字段中给旧接收器发送了新类型,那个接收器很有可能不会将那个类型反序列化到特定于语言的对象中。
Flex will deserialize the SOAP response into a graph of ActionScript objects. Flex将把SOAP响应反序列化为ActionScript对象的一张图。
The ability for the server to deserialize the encoded parameter contained within the envelope. 服务器对信封中包含的已编码参数进行无序化处理的能力。
Different JDK levels can serialize and deserialize resources slightly differently, which can cause run-time problems. 不同的JDK级别会用稍微不同的方法对资源进行序列化和反序列化,这样会导致出现运行时问题。
You can directly serialize and deserialize any third-party class using XStream without making any changes to the class. 不需要修改类,使用XStream就能直接序列化/逆序列化任何第三方类。
The final step is to receive the XML message from the queue and deserialize the instance. 最后一步是从队列接收XML消息,并反系列化实例。
Because serializing an object is so easy, it should be easy to deserialize one too, right? 序列化一个对象是如此地容易,那么反序列化对象也很容易,对不对?
The time it takes to serialize and deserialize session data when they are being written to a remote copy can become considerably large. 当会话数据写入到远程副本时,对会话数据进行序列化和反序列化所需的时间可能变得非常大。
The primary function of a MessageBodyReader is to read from a request InputStream and deserialize the incoming bytes into a Java object expected by the resource method. MessageBodyReader的最主要的功能是读取请求InputStream并将传入的字节反序列化到一个此资源方法期望的Java对象。
However, it will deserialize them correctly. 但它将对它们进行正确的反序列化。
The application does not have sufficient permission to deserialize this stream. 应用程序没有反序列化该流的足够权限。
Serialization will not deserialize delegates to non-public methods. 序列化不会反序列化非公共方法的委托。
You should never allow a client to define and pass to your application any type that your server might deserialize. 应该永远不要允许客户端定义服务器可能会反序列化的任何类型并将其传递给应用程序。
Method could not successfully deserialize the state contained in the request to the web server. 方法无法成功对向web服务器发送的请求中包含的状态进行反序列化。
When a request comes in, we deserialize the XML into a command object using XStream and appropriately handle it. 在请求传入时,我们使用XStream将XML反序列化成一个命令对象,然后合理地进行处理就可以了。
Older versions of an application would throw exceptions when asked to deserialize new versions of the old type. 在要求反序列化旧类型应用程序的新版本时,该应用程序的较旧版本可能会引发异常。
The AMF format was designed to serialize and deserialize quickly under low memory and slower CPU conditions. AMF格式本身就被设计为在低内存和慢CPU条件下依然能够快速序列化和反序列化。
Cannot deserialize the message passed as an argument. Cannot recognize the serialization format. 无法将作为参数传递的消息反序列化。无法识别序列化格式。
Either parse it or deserialize it into an object 要么解析它,要么把它反序列化成一个对象
The constructor to deserialize an object of type { 0} was not found. 未找到反序列化{0}类型对象的构造函数。
NET profile manager uses XML serialization to serialize and deserialize custom types. NET配置文件管理器使用XML序列化对自定义类型进行序列化和反序列化。
Insufficient state to deserialize the object. More information is needed. 反序列化对象的状态不足。需要详细信息。