Paris without a king has as result the world without despots. 巴黎如果没有君王,其结果就是世上将没有暴君。
The President has been clear: Any action that he might decide to take will be a limited and tailored response to ensure that a despots brutal and flagrant use of chemical weapons is held accountable. 总统已经很明确:他可能决定的任何行动都将是有限度和有针对性的反应,确保让残酷和公然使用化学武器的暴君承担后果。
Has the sword of despots proved to be a safer or surer instrument of reform in government than enlightened reason? 难道暴君的刀剑比启蒙的理智更能成为政府改革中安全,可靠的手段?
These used to be the standard tactics for the region's despots. 压迫、折磨和杀戮曾是该地区专制者的标准策略。
A few years ago a US Secretary of state spoke in Cairo of the manifest failure of a decades-old policy of propping up despots in the Middle East. 几年前,一位美国国务卿在开罗提到,美国实施了数十年的支持专制统治者的中东政策显然已经失败。
The first time of "overthrow the local despots and distribute land" was about seizing wealth and power in the name of the people. 一次“打土豪、分田地”以人民的名义抢夺财富、获取政权。
Where will crooks, despots and war criminals go now? 如此一来,哪里会有诈骗、专制、罪犯活动的机会呢?
Tycoons: self-made adventurers who enliven the business landscape; as opposed to despots who have stolen their fortunes from the poor. 大亨:让商业领域活跃起来的白手起家的冒险家;而非窃取穷人财富的恶霸。
If Col Gaddafi succeeds in hanging on, unlike neighbouring leaders in Egypt and Tunisia, a powerful message would be sent to despots from Iran to Syria to Saudi Arabia – violence pays, compromise is folly. 如果卡扎菲不像邻国埃及和突尼斯的领导人那样下台,而是成功地撑下去,那将向伊朗、叙利亚、沙特等国的专制统治者们传递一个强有力的信息:暴力管用、妥协是傻子。
The old alliance to oppose the landlords, overthrow the local despots and distribute land was a temporary one; it has become unstable after a period of stability. 以前那个反地主、打土豪、分田地的联盟是暂时的联盟,它巩固一下又不巩固了。
Should the local tyrants and evil gentry, despots and counter-revolutionaries who have committed heinous crimes be put to death? 那些罪大恶极的土豪劣绅、恶霸、反革命,你说杀不杀呀?
Aren't all despots a threat to freedom loving people all over the world. 难不成威胁自由的暴君也爱全世界的人民吗?
Now the men of Sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the Lord. Should the local tyrants and evil gentry, despots and counter-revolutionaries who have committed heinous crimes be put to death? 创13:13所多玛人在耶和华面前罪大恶极。那些罪大恶极的土豪劣绅、恶霸、反革命,你说杀不杀呀?
Perhaps he needs to remember, amid cacophony, that some of the best conductors are despots. 或许他需要记住,不调和中,有一些最好的指挥是专制者。
The crisis in Libya as muammer Gaddafi clings to power will not be the only violent rupture as despots begin to fall in the Middle East. 随着中东地区的专制君主开始陆续倒台,因穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)拒绝交出权力而爆发危机的利比亚,不会是唯一发生暴力决裂的国家。
The reforms are based on the changes of the position of the people with the tribal society, the society of the local despots, the society of the rich and the civilian society as the four representatives. 以民的演变为基础和发展主线,经历了部族社会、豪民社会、富民社会、市民社会四个变革时代;
In Western Han, it was a distinguishing policy to make despots moving from their spheres of influence into a new place where an emperors'tomb stood. 迁豪入陵县是西汉颇富特色的政策,自高帝至昭宣一直施行。
It was, as a matter of fact, a paradise for the foreign adventurers and a sanctuary for warlords, bandits, hooligans and local despots. 租界时期鼓浪屿社会是西方各国冒险家的乐园,也是军阀、土匪、流氓、恶霸的庇护所。
This change resulted in the rise of the despotic forces in the mid-and late Western Han dynasty, whose coalition with the state power made Xiang San Lao and Li Fu Lao grow into despots in the mid-and late stage. 这种变化导致西汉中后期豪强势力崛起,他们与国家权力融合,使乡三老与里父老在西汉中后期逐渐豪强化了。
This unequal rule of law made the political and economic role of the government-run industrial and commercial legal system to fight against local despots and control the rich merchants emerge. Fourth, it is backward to the business model of direct slavery. 这种不一致的法治制度,使官营工商业法律制度打击地方豪强势要及节制富商大贾的政治、经济作用大打了折扣。第四、直接劳役制经营模式的落后。
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a country decline people trapped, foreign despots wanton invasion. 清末民初,国衰民困、外国豪强肆侵。