
n.  脱落,剥离



  1. At present, the phenomenon of axial desquamation for an individual ejector pin plate or an annular cutter can occurs in a disposable digestive tract anastomat component.
  2. Excogitated process of desquamation chemically of fresh ginger which can be capable of carry out large quantities of production, in order to carry out collectively and effectively production.
  3. The black particles in the mucosa epithelium tissues of normal control group and non-damaged mucosa epithelium and desquamation area were seldom seen.
  4. The boride layer and the laser remelting layer possess different impact-wear mechanisms. The boride layer gives priority to intergranular brittleness fracture and transgranular fracture, and exhibits friction wear, bursting apart and surface desquamation, while the laser remelting layer only reveals friction wear.
  5. It is confirmed that main failure of Si 3N 4 ceramic ball element is fatigue desquamation.
  6. Results By light microscopy, the evidence of lung injury-neutrophil infiltration and hemorrhage in the cavity of alveolus, bronchiole epithelial desquamation, edema and so on were found in the sections of ALI group stained with hematoxylin-eosin.
  7. The diamond films 'breakage and desquamation from body surface are main damage forms of the diamond film-coated tools in the cutting process.
  8. The ultrastructural changes of type ⅱ alveolar cells in asthma group included cell swelling, evacuation of lamellar bodies and partial cell desquamation.
  9. The desquamation of intestine villi and infiltration of inflammation cells in the submucosa were observed in all groups.
  10. Conclusion The desquamation of epithelial cells may trigger the acute inflammation.
  11. Conclusion: It has diagnostic value to pay attention to high fever, shock with scarlatiniform rash, multiple organ damage, thrombocytopenia, negative blood hemoculture and desquamation in convalescent stage.
  12. Preparing method of pellucid specimen displayed superficial cutaneous vessels with desquamation
  13. The pathological changes were diffuse pulmonary interstitial inflammation and alveolar damages with apoptosis and desquamation of pneumocytes in alveolar spaces, hyaline-membrane formation, wider alveolar walls and predominant lymphocyte and mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates.
  14. Some special clinical features occured in recent years: including scarlet desquamation skin of scrotum, coarse like leather, jaundice, hematuria and low level of PLT.
  15. The homografts as coverture was exfoliated in either necrosis or desquamation.
  16. The 6~ 18 months follow-up after operation, 133 patients were found to develop pigmentation and desquamation without vesiculation and ulcer.
  17. The analysis shows that the beforehand physical defects and carbonization may be the reason for barrier's desquamation.
  18. This paper reviewed some new types of skin whitening agents and their mechanisms of action from aspects of suppressing melanogenesis, reducing melanosome transference and enhancing desquamation of melanin pigment from the epidermis etc.
  19. Analysis of Desquamation of Hydrogen Permeation Barrier in CO_2
  20. No obvious clinical diseases attributed to TCE occupational exposure were observed in the 39 workers with direct exposure except for some symptoms and signs, mainly exasperation, cutaneous dryings, desquamation, papule and throat irritation.
  21. The main abrasion modes of WC-Co coatings are the fatigue desquamation and the micro-cutting.
  22. The pus flowed over from both eyes for 8 days. Pustules and desquamation appeared on his lower abdomen for 6 days.
  23. Research results: For the concrete protective layer ′ looseness, desquamation and rust-eaten of the reinforcement, the paper makes sure the cause, provides strengthening and reforming measure for the diseased bridge and makes suggestion for design and construction.
  24. Microscope observation: In the animal model group, the articular cartilage surface was out of flatness and rough with many fissures inside. The articular cartilage desquamation was found in part tissues and the defect areas then formed.
  25. Research background: Gastric Ulcer ( GU) is a common clinical acute and chronic digestive diseases, it refers to the festering and fragmentary damage on the surface of gastric mucosa, which was caused by the desquamation of the local tissue.
  26. The day before surgery observed in patients with ear, with the thumb and forefinger and pulling the pinna, visual examination in plenty of natural light from the inside out, from the top down, to observe whether there are breaks in the skin, desquamation.
  27. Its clinical manifestations including erythema, papules, effusion and desquamation.
  28. From microcosmic point of view, removal procedure of suspended matters in oily sewage consists of its transferring, adhesion and its desquamation.



  1. loss of bits of outer skin by peeling or shedding or coming off in scales

      Synonym:    peelingshedding