The FBI is the federal law enforcement agency that deters domestic crime while the CIA is mainly responsible for U.S. initiatives abroad. 联邦调查局是联邦执法机构,负责国内犯罪案件;而中情局主要负责美国国外案件。
The installation of cameras in public places deters would-be criminals. 在公共场合安装摄像头能够震慑那些想要犯罪者。
Duplication of efforts: Duplicating automation effort is another major culprit that deters the success of test automation solutions across organizations. 双倍的努力:双倍的自动化努力是另一个主要的问题所在,它阻止了不同公司之间测试自动化方案的成功。
Even if some of the features of the tool can be reused by other test teams, the non-extensible architecture deters the new test teams from adopting the tools. 就算工具的有些特性可以被其他的测试团队使用,但是非扩展性的架构还是会阻止新测试团队采用工具。
THE HOST: A British-based company has developed a cell phone that deters thieves by literally screaming should it be stolen. 主持人:一家设在英国的公司推出一款新型手机,这种手机在遇窃时会发出尖叫声把小偷吓跑。
We think that punishment deters crime, but it just might be the other way around. 我们认为惩罚会阻止犯罪,可是情况恰恰相反。
Sonic lock loud alarm deters laptop theft! 用强劲声波警报锁来阻止你的本本被人偷窃!
Abolitionists say there is no proof that capital punishment deters. 废除死刑者声称没有证据表明行刑有震慑作用。
But one thing deters them even more: match-fixing. 但操纵比赛行为更让他们不想去看球。
But microeconomic policy is lousy. Corruption deters investors. State companies elbow out private ones. Plans to diversify the economy have been a failure. 但该国微观经济政策极为糟糕,腐败吓退投资者,国企排挤私企,经济多元化计划未能成功。
Summary: Amerca's anti-corruption law deters foreign investment. 总结:美国反腐败法律吓跑国外投资商。
I think that just by moving around the area, my presence deters wolves from killing livestock. 我想我只要在该区域来回走动走动,就可以阻止狼对家畜的攻击。
Which deters most things, including insects. 所有动物包括昆虫都会却步。
Meanwhile, the president of the Philippines, another claimant which has also accused China of harassment at sea, said the American military presence deters aggression in the area. 于此同时,菲律宾总统,南海争端另一当事国也称受到中国骚扰,表示美军的存在阻止了这一地区的挑衅行为。
Each case is unique, and any relationship that deters ascension is a relationship to complete with and exit the dance of for those dedicated to this path in this lifetime. 每一种情形都是独一无二的,任何一种阻止了提升的关系,对那些在此生致力于提升这条路径的人们而言,都是一个要终结并离开的关系。
A public area also deters some people who might wish to do so from taking out their frustrations on the pillars. 一些可能想在柱子上宣泄不满情绪的人不敢在大庭广众之下发泄。
In fact, jatropha deters pests& birds, mammals and insects do not eat it. 事实上,麻疯树能驱除害虫&鸟类、哺乳动物和昆虫不吃麻疯树。
Apologies are so important that many hospitals train their staffs to say they are sorry to patients and their families following a medical mistake because they've found it deters malpractice lawsuits. 道歉是如此重要,以至于很多家医院都培训他们的员工在出现医疗差错后要对患者及其家属表示歉意,因为院方发现这么做可以阻止他们对医疗事故提起诉讼。
The way India divvies up spectrum is unfair and erratic, which deters investment. It is also wasteful. 印度的频谱分配方式既不公平也反复多变,抑制了投资,也造成了浪费。
Forexample, the K ü ndigungsschutz under which many dismissals end up infront of special labour courts makes the costs of firing both high anduncertain, and thus deters hiring. 就如Kündigungsschutz的法律约束将许多解雇事件都最终交由劳动法庭处理,企业雇用成本增加不可确定,于是不愿雇用员工。
But before leaving there is time for a further impassioned speech in favour of education, of relaxing the US's ultra-strict visa regime, which, he believes, deters bright young men and women from coming to study in the US. 但在离开之前,他还有时间再发表一篇激情洋溢的演讲,支持教育,指斥放宽美国超级严格的签证制度。他相信,美国的签证制度阻碍了聪明的青年男女来美国学习。
The main reason usually given in support of the death penalty is that it deters crime. 那些支持死刑的人们经常给出的主要理由是,死刑可以制止犯罪。
The filth here deters all but the invited guest. 这里污秽不堪,除非有事,外人是裹足不前的。
Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime. 很多人相信极刑能阻止犯罪。
We know that hooliganism deters fans from going to football. 我们知道,足球流氓行为使得球迷不愿去看球。
Indeed, our particular concept of private property, which deters us from exhausting the positive resources of the earth, favors pollution. 停止我们耗尽地球的直接资源的私产概念,实际上助长污染。
Share prices in the aftermath of an IPO can come under selling pressure, especially if a strong debut deters institutional investors from buying the shares. IPO之后,股价可能遭受抛售压力,尤其是在强劲的上市令机构投资者不愿买入股票的情况下。