The particularity of china's contemporary development has set double duties for moral education of becoming both the catalytic agent and detoxifier of individual subjectivity. 当代中国发展的特殊性,使得道德教育必须确立双重的任务:既要成为个人主体的催生剂,又要成为个人主体的解毒剂。
Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent detoxifier for the overindulgence of alcohol and drug addictions of all kinds. 结肠水疗法在治疗过量酗酒和吸毒上瘾方面是一个极其好的解毒方法。
To the extent that cyanocobalamin might be a good detoxifier, which it isn't, you just trade cyanide for the toxin it removes. 氰钴胺,可能是一个很好的解毒剂,它不是在一定程度上,你只是贸易氰化物的毒素它删除。
They certainly are in need of colon hydrotherapy; colon hydrotherapy is the best cleansing and detoxifier for the gastrointestinal tract that anybody would want. 他们确实需要结肠水疗法。水疗法是最好清洁和排毒胃肠道的方法。
As a primary detoxifier, the condition of the liver can point to toxins in our diet. 肝脏的主要功能旨在排除出我们的包含中的毒素。