This performance will silence many of his detractors 这一表演将会让很多诋毁他的人闭嘴。
The news will have delighted detractors of the scheme. 这条消息会让该方案的批评者感到高兴。
Microsoft will always have its detractors. 微软(Microsoft)从来都是众矢之的。
What is it about this company that attracts such passionate detractors? 究竟是怎么样的一家公司才能如此惹来这么多争议?
Yuste sees a parallel to the brain-mapping initiative: Detractors argue that it's impossible to collect the data, and even if you could collect it, no one could ever understand it. Yuste看到脑成像主动性的一个类比:反对者认为不可能收集数据,即使你可以收集到,也没有人能理解。
Detractors see the bank as a symbol of crony capitalism because of its support for companies such as Boeing. 由于该行对波音(Boeing)等企业的支持,贬低者们将该行视为裙带资本主义的象征。
Speaking after his Nobel Literature Prize on Thursday, Mo dismissed his detractors, saying they probably had not read his books. 莫言在上周四获得诺贝尔文学奖之后,驳斥了他的诋毁者,说他们可能还没有读过他的书。
Kissinger is credited by many as a brilliant manipulator both his admirers and detractors confirm it and occasionally he prides himself on his expertise in this role. 许多人把基辛格看作是一位纵横捭阖的能手这是他的崇拜者和诽谤者都确认的有时他也为自己精于此道而感到自豪。
Our days detractors once again return to the small ninjas! 我们的天诛小忍者再次回归了!
This experiment, however, has its fair share of controversy and detractors. 然而,这个实验,却引起好多争论与不满。
It would have provided her professional detractors with a few less redoubts for attack. 这样就会向那些专门诋毁她的人少提供一些攻击她的口实。
To hunt down your detractors would be hideously embarrassing and would only confirm their dim view of you. 刨根问底找出诽谤你的人会非常难堪,并且这只能证实他们对你的那些不好看法。
Companies calculate their Net Promoter Score by subtracting their% Detractors from their% Promoters. 公司计算的净启动分数减去其%,反对者从他们%推动者。
Detractors also argue central clearing will raise hedging costs for companies. 批评者们还辩称,集中清算将提高企业的对冲成本。
He thought he painted them considerately, lovingly exploring the tones and the textures, whatever his detractors said. 他认为,他为他们作画,周到、热切地探索色调和纹理,无论他的批评者们说什么。
The most vocal detractors of birth-order research question less the findings of the science than the methods. 人们对这类研究的批评针对研究方法方面的要比针对科学内容方面的更多。
They had many detractors and their philanthropic endowments helped to sanitise subsequent memories of them. 诋毁他们的人很多,而慈善捐赠有助于改善后人对他们的回忆。
To say Goop has its detractors would be an understatement. 说有人诋毁Goop算是客气的了。
I also believe that the economic and social effects of globalization are exaggerated by both its detractors and supporters. 此外我认为不管是反对者还是拥护者都夸大了国际化的经济和社会影响。
His detractors paint him as autocratic and his government has had trouble building trust with the people. 诋毁他的人将他描绘成一个威权统治者,而且他的政府在获取民众信任方面遭遇不少难题。
The IMF has plenty of detractors in Latin America and Asia. imf在拉美和亚洲地区遭到了不少诟病。
Mr Romney's detractors offer several rebuttals. 罗姆内的批评者提供了几项反驳意见。
His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsuitable for Party leadership. 他的诋毁者声称粗暴的脾气使他不适合作党的领袖。
On the debit side, our detractors view us increasingly as a victim of our own success. 另一方面,诋毁我们的人认为我们的成就反而害了我们。
But brain mapping has its detractors. 但脑电图研究也遭到了一些批评。
All great endeavours attract petty-minded detractors. 所有伟大的努力都会吸引思想狭隘的诽谤者。
Detractors see him differently: as a dangerous anti-American gadfly, indiscriminately revealing information regardless of the consequences. 批评者则看法不同,他们认为他是一个危险的反美鼓吹者,不计后果、不加甄别地泄露信息。
I have not, pace my detractors, entered into any "deals". 真对不起我的责难者,我并未作下任何的交易。
This austerity drive by politicians, who in many cases have considerable wealth, has had its detractors. 印度的许多政治家拥有可观的财富,他们的这种节俭之举,也招致了一些人的非议。