Vedic Deities-These deities represent forces of nature or devas and are not equivalent to Brahman represented as Vishnu or Shiva. 陀吠众神&这些神代表了自然或提婆的力量,并不等同于把婆罗门描绘成毗瑟奴或湿婆。
And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered quivered quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the devas. 这十千个宇宙在抖动、颤动、震动,有一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。
Remember also that the planets are Devas ( Angels) and Vedic astrology is the science of how they work in the light of the Divine. 记住,行星如同天使,吠陀占星赋予你一盏神赐的明灯去探索行星的奥秘。
And the kingdoms, that you think of as kingdoms – the devas, the animals, the trees, the rocks – they are all pretty much aligned as well, and they have also anchored with Gaia. 在你能想到的所有领域,提婆界,动物界,植物界和矿物界,他们所有都与盖娅对齐,并锚定在盖娅。
One day, the King of the Devas, Indra was riding his elephant when he came upon a sage. 一天,天神之王因陀罗乘着一头大象来到一位圣人上面。
As the Asuras rushed to take the nectar, the frightened devas appealed to kurma, who then turned himself into a maiden named mohini. 正当阿修罗冲进去夺去甘露的时候,受惊吓的天神呼吁把自己变成为一个名为莫海尼的少女。
Angels, Demi Gods, Devas-Their God is Vishnu. 天使,人,众神和提婆&他们的神是毗瑟奴。
And that is exactly what we have done when we neutralize geopathic lines with the help of the devas and elementals. 当我们在提婆和四大元素的帮助下压制风水线时,我们所做的一切应是严密正确的。
The angry sage gave Indra a curse that he and the Devas would begin to lose all their energy and power. 愤怒的圣人给予因陀罗一道咒语,他和天神开始失去所有的能量和力量。
This is a rainbow appeared above the pavilion in World Exposition, which was an auspicious sign offered by the dragon and devas. 这是在上海世博会期间,尼泊尔馆上空出现的彩虹,这是天龙护法供养的吉祥瑞相。
A Study of Eight Devas in Sichuan Province in the Tang Period 四川唐代天龙八部造像图象研究