Different foliage colour deviants are readily found. The leaves had all the shades of color from vivid green to reddish brown. 叶色不同程度的反常是很容易识别的。那些树叶具有从鲜绿到赤褐等深浅不同的颜色。
But leaders will need to be vigilant of the "strayers" or deviants who operate at the fringes of society. 但是,领袖们还是需要注意在社会边缘徘徊的“迷途羔羊”或离经叛道者。
The only people who will make us wonder will be another category of deviants: those that appear to be spotlessly clean. 到时候唯一令我们感到奇怪的人,将是另一类不正常的人:那些看上去毫无污点的人。
Linguistic Explanation for Intuitive Deviants among Native Speakers 母语说话者语感差异的语言学解释
The community correction aims to correct the deviants and the criminal minds of the delinquent juvenile, so needs to set three categories of projects including the psychological treatment, the disseminate knowledge and the vocational training. 社区矫正旨在矫治越轨少年的犯罪行为和犯罪心理,需要设置心理矫治、常识普及和职业培训三大类项目。
In addition, N1 and P2 evoked by auditory stimuli can interact between emotional types and two smaller interval deviants. 同时,听觉刺激诱发的N1,P2波在不同情绪和2种较小的偏差间隔之间存在交互作用。