A graphic integrated database modeling using device-oriented method in centralized control substation training simulation modeling support system based on CIM is developed. 着重探讨了集控站仿真培训建模支持系统中如何基于CIM公共信息模型,以面向设备的建模方式实现图形数据库一体化的问题。
These device-oriented applications are based on the materials to be in solid state making the study of helical inversion of nanostructures of great importance. 这种以器件为导向的应用使得纳米材料的螺旋反转极为重要。
Therefore, designing a good user interface for a mobile device-oriented browser, especially for a smart phone, becomes a new challenge. 从而设计一个面向移动设备,尤其是适合智能手机的用户接口,也即设计一个适合的浏览器成了新的挑战。
Based on such research background, in this thesis we make a deep research into garden tour guiding service, and implement a garden tour guiding platform which is mobile device-oriented. 在此研究背景下,本文针对园林导游服务做了深入研究,设计并实现了一个面向移动设备的园林导游平台框架。