It's a model of the true love. a wedding present from dexter. 这是《真爱号》的模型,德克斯特送的结婚礼物。
This is dexter emerson. 我是德克斯特埃默森。
Dexter: You said do you have any monkey. 德克斯特:你说成猴子了。
Well, there's one consoling thought, dexter. 德克斯特,有一个让人安慰的方法。
Look, dexter, the equipment's used already, we can't give it back. 瞧,迪克斯特,装备都已经用上了,我们不能退回去了。
I'm sorry, but I'm really not terribly interested in Professor Dexter's lectures. 对不起,我实在对德克斯特教授的讲座不太感兴趣。
As the movie progresses we learn several things about Nick, like that he had an affair with Dexter's soon-to-be ex-wife and that his death was in fact murder, not suicide. 随着电影的进展,我们学到一些东西尼克一样,他有外遇与德克斯特的即将前妻,他的死亡其实是谋杀,而不是自杀。
Just winked with his dexter eyelid, and then he retired to bed. 眨了眨他的右侧眼皮,乖乖地退回去睡觉。
Dexter has always been the Black sheep of his family. 德克斯特一直就是他家的败家子。
Dexter was deliberately sparing with his words. 德克斯特故意不多说。
Dexter: of or located on the right side. 右边的:右边的或位于右边的。
I see you haven't changed either, dexter. 德克斯特,我发现你也没有改变。
Joining Butler are Kyra Sedgwick ( The Closer) and Dexter's Michael C.Hall as the game's evil creator. 加入巴特勒是凯拉塞吉维克(终结)和德克斯特的迈克尔C霍尔作为游戏的邪恶的创作者。
Dexter: the noose is tightening. 绳子勒得更紧了。
Dexter was happy to have you as a friend. 能有你这样的朋友,他开心极了。
Miss Dexter Yes, that's the hat he was wearing. 请看桌上的帽子。是这个帽子吗?
Later we find out that Dexter's murderer-the same person who killed Nick-did it all so that he could pass off Nick's brilliant novel as his own. 后来我们发现,德克斯特的凶手-同一人谁杀害尼克-没有这一切,以便他能冒充尼克的光辉小说自己。
Lawyer Thank you, Miss Dexter. 谢谢,德克斯特小姐。
After class, Nick asks Dexter if he has graded or even read his novel yet-he has neither. 下了课,尼克问德克斯特如果他有等级,甚至还没有读过他的小说-他既没有。
Okay, soon as I square away mrs, dexter. 好的,我很快就能搞定了,德克斯特夫人。
Miss Dexter Yes, they're the shoes she was wearing. 是的。他们就是他所穿的鞋子。
Why don't you go finish setting mrs, Dexter for me? 为什么你不替我搞定德克斯特夫人呢?
George, the true love never really existed with dexter. 乔治,德克斯特从来没有真爱。
This thriller is about a teacher called Dexter, a man who has been poisoned and has24 hours to find out who his killer is. 此片是老师所谓的德克斯特,一名男子已被毒死谁,并24小时内找出谁是他的杀手。
Critics have also praised a book about current wars called "The Forever War" by Dexter Filkins. 批评家们也赞扬了DexterFilkins的描写现代战争的永远的战争。
Nick gets very frustrated when Dexter shows no particular interest in his book. 尼克会非常沮丧的时候德克斯特没有显示出特别的兴趣在他的著作。
What's my sister's connection to Veronica dexter? 但是我的妹妹和瑞罗利卡德克斯特有什么关系?
Lawyer I see, Miss Dexter. 我明白了,德克斯特小姐。
We live in hope Dexter. 我们活在希望之中。
Dexter, be satisfied and let me alone. 德克斯特,你满足了就不要再骚扰我。