Under the counter of the dhow the whale-boat was tossing furiously. 船尾下面,我们的救生艇在后面激烈地颠簸着。
The men, who had approached the dhow in two inflatable boats from the frigate HMS Cornwall, were taken to an Iranian naval base. 被逮走的英国水员是从英国政府公务康沃尔市的护卫舰乘坐两只膨胀的小船登上那艘走私渔船的。
The Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel were taken after they had boarded a dhow during a routine patrol in the Shatt al-Arab waterway at10am local time. 当地时间上午10点,英国皇家海军和皇家陆战队队员在对沙特阿拉伯水域的一只渔船例行检查时被伊朗海军带走了。