These dialectal words meet the standard of Chinese Dialects Dictionary but haven't been embodied. 这些方言词符合《汉语方言大词典》(以下简称《方言大词典》)的收词标准却未被收录。
The rhythm used by people in different dialect areas inevitably have its regional features, that is, dialectal intonation. 不同方言区的人,用什么节律来丰富表达手段,必然要带有地域特征,这就是方言语调。
Consequently it is rather difficult to decide how many dialectal divisions should be recognized and to mark off with any exactness their respective boundaries. 因此很难决定有多少种方言的区分法应该被识别,也很难以任何精确度来划分出它们各自的界限。
Brittle bones; glass is brittle;` brickle 'and` brickly' are dialectal. 脆弱的骨头;玻璃是易碎的;‘brickle’和‘brickly’是方言。
He highly respected Mrs qin's studies in phonetics, especially the teacher's theories on dialectal research. 他极端尊重秦老师的语音学,特别是方言调查理论。
Standardize national languages with dialectal differences. 对有方言分歧的民族语言进行规范化。
The Speech State of Dialectal Intonation Affected by Linyi Dialect 临沂方言影响下的方言语调的语音状态
It argues that there is no unique solution to the dialectal classification even when the related linguistic data are indisputable. 本文认为,在语言事实没有分歧的情况下,方言分区的处理也并非只有惟一正确答案。
It is found that the phonetic variation, combination and division also exist in English learning because of the dialectal influence based on the investigation. 调查发现,由于受方言影响,学生在英语学习过程中同样具有音变、合音和音的裂化现象;
There are lots of dialectal words in Zhuzi Biarlve, on which none has specially studied. 《助字辨略》中有许多方言词,但无人对此作过专门研究。
The dialectal districts mentioned in these works are roughly divided into two parts, south and north, along the Qinling Mountains-Huaihe River line. 所提到的方言地域,大致以秦岭-淮河为界,分为南北两大片。
The computer-assisted approach to studies on Uygur dialects is an interactive research method, which combines the computer-based formalization of dialectal data with the researcher's analysis. 利用计算机技术辅助维吾尔语方言研究,是将计算机对方言语料的形式化处理和研究者对语料的分析判断结合起来的一种人机互动的研究方法。
Of or characteristic of a form of a language that is distributed in identifiable geographic areas and differs in pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary from the standard form; dialectal. 分布于不同地理区域,发音语法或词汇和标准形式不同的语言的或有该特点的;方言的。
The reason is the differences in culture, dialectal words and its pronunciation. 究其原因,有地域文化的差异,有方言用词和方言谐音的不同。
Lexicon in Modern Chinese is further enriched and developed by giving new meanings to the old words and borrowing and referring to loanwords and dialectal words, presenting some new characteristics in word formation: additional formation becomes an important pattern; 通过给原有旧词赋予新义以及积极吸收借鉴外来词与方言词等途径,现代汉语词汇得到了进一步的丰富和发展,在构建上也相应呈现出一些全新特点:附加构词法成为重要模式;
Negative factors in the putonghua level testing in dialectal areas 方言区普通话测评中的负面因素
The dialectal contact is just the fusion evolution in crosswise of Chinese dialects which are of same source. 其中的跨方言区片的接触性共有语言成分,显示了赣东北的方言接触语言演变的过程。
Compared with Putonghua, Loudi Dialect carries some semantic and syntactic differences, which have formed the specific dialectal characteristics. 娄底方言中的副词与普通话比较,在表义和句法功能上有一定的差异,很有方言特色。
Investigation of the dialectal differences is significant to identify cultural correlation among different dialect regions. 考察方言的差异对于不同方言区之间的文化认同具有重要意义。
Native dialect is the largest obstacle of Putonghua study for the students in the dialectal areas. 母语方言是方言区学生学习普通话的最大障碍。
This fact means there are some relations between Hakka dialectal groups and Gan dialectal groups. 这一事实表明:客家方言群与赣方言群在历史上曾有着密切的关联。
And this indicates the origins of Xinjiang Chinese dialectal words, the regional folk culture and the merging feature of the language in its evolution process. 有大量的借词等。从这些词语中既反映了新疆汉语方言的来源、特性也反映出新疆特有的地域民俗文化内涵,从另一个侧面也反映了语言在其发展变化中具有的融合特点。
This thesis gives an account of phonetic system of Zhongyang dialect, and compares the corresponding relationships between this dialectal sound and mid-ancient sound system. 本文描写了中阳方言的语音系统,并从中古音出发,比较中阳方音与中古音系之间的对应关系。
The dialectal island is declining and trending to form county field dialect. 有赣语继续东扩、方言岛走向衰落、形成县域通行方言的趋势。
The study of dialectal contact in the north-east of Jiangxi province has more important value of language material and theory significance of typology to learn the present condition and history of Chinese dialects. 赣东北方言接触研究,对于认识汉语方言的现状和历史具有重要的语料价值和类型学上的理论意义。
By careful study of the book, we find there are standard sound and dialectal sound in the phonology. 通过研究分析,《字学元元》音系中存在正音、俗音。
Idiomatic phrase is an important component of a dialect and reflects aesthetic art of dialectal rhetoric at a certain degree. 熟语是方言的重要组成部分,从一定层面体现了方言修辞的审美艺术。
Meanwhile, adopting a geographic typological point of view, the paper analyzes the markers of dispositional and passive structures in different dialects, which proves the dialectal typology of Xiangfan dialect. 同时运用了语言地理类型学的观点,共时分析了不同方言类型处置式和被动式的标记词,证实了襄樊方言的方言类型。
The table of frequency of Jianhu dialectal word was established. 将建湖方言词汇划分为高频词、次高频词、中频词、低频词、罕频词五个等级,建立《建湖方言中高频词词表》、《建湖方言日常词汇频度表》。
The Wu dialects have been one of the focuses in dialectal studies for many years, but few people have done researches on the comparison of phonological structures among different subsets of Wu dialects. 有关吴方言的研究一直是方言研究的重点之一,但是关于吴方言内部之间次方言的音系对比研究却很少。