N-COUNT 辩证关系;(两种力量或因素之间的)对立统一 People refer to the dialectic or dialectics of a situation when they are referring to the way in which two very different forces or factors work together, and the way in which their differences are resolved.
...the intricate dialectic of these two contrasting concepts. 这两个相互对立的概念之间错综复杂的辩证关系
...the dialectics of class struggle and of socio-economic change. 阶级斗争的对立统一和社会经济变革的对立统一
辩证法 In philosophy, dialectics is a method of reasoning and reaching conclusions by considering theories and ideas together with ones that contradict them.
Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism. 要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。
Materialist dialectics argues that external causes become operative through internal causes. 唯物辩证法认为,外因通过内因而起作用。
It analysises and researches into Bohr's quantum dialectics of nature of mutual complement and Heisenberg's quantum philosophy outlook. 分析研究了玻尔的互补性量子辩证法和海森堡的量子哲学观。
The concept of the unity of opposites, dialectics, must be widely propagated. 关于对立面的统一的观念,关于辩证法,需要作广泛的宣传。
Society the principle core value system is containing the rich materialistic dialectics thought. 社主义核心价值体系包含着丰富的唯物辩证法思想。
This is development through the struggle of opposites, development conforming to dialectics. 这是在对立面的斗争中的发展,是合于辩证法的发展。
This fits materialist dialectics relevant material world anything or things happening development change dying rule. 这符合唯物辩证法有关物质世界任何事或物的发生发展变化消亡之规律。
Combine the industry and markets actual, did the analysis of the dialectics. 结合产业与市场实际,做了辨证的分析。
Later, we repudiated dogmatism and came to learn a little more dialectics. 后来我们批判了教条主义,逐步地多学会了一点辩证法。
"Capital" fully expounds Hegel's dialectics of essence and appearance, focusing on the law of mutual penetration of opposites. 黑格尔在“资本论”中充分阐述了本质与现象的辩证法,并且着重论述了对立面相互渗透的规律。
We're talking about dialectics, the good and the bad merging into us. 我们是在讲辩证法,善和恶被我们吞没。
To combat subjectivism we must propagate materialism and dialectics. 我们要反对主观主义,就要宣传唯物主义,就要宣传辩证法。
If we can become clear on all these problems, we shall arrive at a fundamental understanding of materialist dialectics. 如果我们将这些问题都弄清楚了,我们就在根本上懂得了唯物辩证法。
We, however, should oppose the standpoint of absolutism and carry out the dialectics in the comprehension. 在坚持客观性立场时,又必须反对绝对主义的立场,贯彻理解问题上的辩证法。
Carry through the dialectics of thinking; 贯彻思维的辩证法;
First, in world outlook, that is, in materialism and dialectics; 一,在世界观,就是唯物论和辩证法方面发展了它;
The commodity fetishism is the verge of modern society detected by Hegel's Master-Slave dialectics. 商品拜物教世界是黑格尔主人-奴隶辩证法所探测到的现代社会的边界。
The unity of opposites is the fundamental concept of dialectics. 辩证法的基本观点就是对立面的统一。
Thoughts on Exploitation& by the Methods of Historical Materialism, Dialectics and Economic Ethics 对剥削问题的历史唯物主义、辩证法和经济伦理学思考
Cultural value of the abundant dialectics thought of his philosophy. 老子哲学的丰富的辩证法思想的文化价值。
The viewpoints of philosophy and methods of dialectics of nature play an important role in science researches. 自然辩证法的若干思想在科学研究中起着重要作用。
He makes it explicitly his program to overcome philosophy by the dialectics of a self-reflective alienated consciousness. 他明确地计划要用一种自反性的、异化的自我意识的辩证法来超越哲学。
He enriches and develops dialectics, which are formed into a glorious tradition in ancient China's thought. 二是丰富发展了辩证法思想,使辩证思想成为中国古代思想的光荣传统;
The formation of the theoretical system of TCM was greatly influenced by ancient Chinese materialism and dialectics. 中医理论系统的形成受到古代中国的唯物主义和辩证法的极大影响。
One divides into two& this is a universal phenomenon, and this is dialectics. 一分为二,这是个普遍的现象,这就是辩证法。
Basic courses: scientific socialism, dialectics of nature, foreign language, computer application techniques, etc. 基础课:科学社会主义理论、自然辩证法、外语、数学、计算机应用技术等。
We should stick to the method of dialectics to treat the national and pandemic cultures. 我们应坚持辨证统一的方法对待文化民族性和世界性。
We openly recognize the struggle between materialism and idealism, between dialectics and metaphysics, and between fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds. 我们公开承认唯物主义和唯心主义、辩证法和形而上学、香花和毒草的斗争。
We respect the dialectics of life and history. 我们尊重生活和历史的辩证法。
Marx had intended to write a book on dialectics, yet did not have enough time to do it. 马克思曾经打算写一本关于辩证法的书,但他后来一直没有时间来完成这个心愿。