Prolonged diapause is a common phenomenon that is an important part of insect life histories. 延长滞育是昆虫生活史的重要组成部分,是一种普遍现象。
Objective To explore the effects of temperature and photoperiod on diapause of housefly larvae. 目的探讨温度和光周期对家蝇幼虫滞育的影响。
Short daylength had a cumulative effect on diapause induction. 短光照对滞育的诱导作用具有累积效应。
The incidence of diapause was not influenced either by photoperiod or temperature in Tieling, Jining and Sihong populations, and their diapause rate was100% under any conditions. 铁岭、济宁和泗洪种群的滞育不受光周期和温度的影响,滞育率均为100%。
Diapause evokes a unique pattern of gene expression, such as heat shock proteins ( Hsps) and acquisition of increased tolerance to environmental stresses. 滞育可以诱导一些基因表达模式的改变,如热休克蛋白基因的差异表达,导致昆虫抗逆性增强。
A main factor for female is the photoperiodical variation that decides whether progeny prepupae will enter diapause or not. 雌蜂感受光周期的变化是决定子代预蛹是否进入滞育的一个主要因素;
Under condition of continuous darkness, cryophase duration, thermoperiodic response threshold and thermoperiodic amplitude play important roles in the determination of diapause in insects. 在全暗条件下,温周期本身通过低温持续期、温周期反应阈值、温周期幅度决定昆虫的滞育发生。
Diapause hormone ( DH), which is secreted by the suboesophageal ganglion of the silkworm in pupae period, plays a key role in the process of the embryo diapause. 在蛹期由咽下神经节合成和分泌的滞育激素,在其滞育过程中起到了决定性作用。
Summer diapause in cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner), is prolongation of the pupal stage, particularly in males, initiated by high temperature. 在预蛹期,高温处理能诱导棉铃虫蛹进入夏滞育。
Thermal Response of Diapause in the Egg of Teleogryllus emma 温度对黄脸油葫芦卵滞育解除的影响
Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the life history traits of post diapause adults in C. 本文就光周期和温度对滞育后成虫生物学特性的影响进行了研究。
Glycogen content were decreasing during the diapause: in the early and middle period of diapause, glycogen content in fat body of the diapausing larvae was higher than in non-diapause larvae. 糖原含量总体变化趋势是随滞育时间的加大逐渐减少,滞育早期和中期都高于非滞育个体。
Differential Expression of Catalase Gene during Different Phases of Diapause in the Bivoltine Silkworm, Bombyx Mori 二化性家蚕滞育不同阶段过氧化氢酶基因表达差异的研究
The experiments of diapause induction showed that both short daylength and low temperature were major factors of diapause induction in T. 诱导滞育实验表明:短日照和低温是诱导二斑叶螨发生滞育的主要因子。
Diapause and Voltinism of the Distant Crossing Progeny Between Antheraea yamamai and Antheraea polyphemus 天蚕与美洲野蚕远缘杂交后代的滞育性及化性
For those multivoltine insects with winter diapause, intermediate or high temperatures are often more advantageous to the termination of diapause. 对仅具有冬季滞育的多化性昆虫,中性温度或高温更有利于滞育的完成。
In addition, the latitude of the area bees being released in and the generation of the bee also have an important influence on prepupae's diapause. 此外,放蜂地区的纬度及蜂的代次对预蛹的滞育亦有重要的影响。
This paper reviewed the diapause in Helicoverpa armigera, including induction, termination, morphology, physiology and biochemistry, resistance, inheritance of diapause. 本文综述了棉铃虫滞育的诱导、维持与解除、滞育的形态解剖、滞育的生理生化、滞育的抗性、滞育的遗传研究进展等。
In all night-interruption experiments, the incidences of diapause in almost all positions of light pulse in Nanchang population were significantly lower than that in Harbin population. 在所有测试的暗期干扰实验中,除了极少数光脉冲干扰点外,南昌种群幼虫滞育的发生率显著低于哈尔滨种群;
In addition, diapause intensity increased as the original latitude decreased within the northern univoltine area. 在北方的一化性种群中,滞育强度随着纬度的降低而增强。
Diapause development and accumulation of trehalose were closely related to temperature. 温度对于滞育的终止和海藻糖积累量影响很大。
The Research of the Blood Stream Dynamics by Transcortical Doppler for Migraine Diapause 经颅多谱勒对偏头痛患者间歇期的血液动力学检测研究
Detection of the diapause adolescent of Paragonimus in boar's organs, such as liver, was doen by using normal saline-releasing technique. 采用生理盐水逸出法检测野猪膈肌和肝脏等脏器中卫氏并殖吸虫的滞育童虫。
The Changes of Amino Acid, SOD and CAT of Musca domestica Larva during Diapause 滞育家蝇幼虫氨基酸、SOD、CAT的变化
The impact of diapause on the protein and nucleic acid of Musca domestica larva 滞育对家蝇幼虫蛋白质和核酸的影响
The up-regulation of Hsps during diapause is an important factor contributing to overwintering defense strategy and survival. 热休克蛋白在滞育期间的表达是决定越冬抗逆性和存活的重要因子之一。
Embryonic diapause of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, is controlled by both enviromental factors and inheritance. 简述了有关家蚕滞育机制的分子生物学研究进展。家蚕的胚胎滞育是由环境条件和遗传性支配的。
Both of trehalose and glycerol content were influenced by nematode diapause and environmental temperature. 海藻糖和甘油含量与线虫的滞育和温度相关。