Almost all of the countries in Latin America were controlled by dictators 当时几乎所有的拉丁美洲国家都由独裁者统治。
This is the time for democrats and not dictators. 现在需要的是民主主义者,而不是独裁者。
These dictators have entrenched themselves politically and are difficult to move. 这些独裁者在政治上已经站稳了脚跟,很难推翻他们。
Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! 专制者自己获得了自由却奴役人民!
Reserve the same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for "burn fat at night" diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators. 正如你不相信那些所谓的“夜间脂肪燃烧”食用丸和请求那些废位的暴君转让出资金,对这些关于搜索引擎的自发邮件持有同样的怀疑态度。
An America in which we run up deficits and expose ourselves to the whims of oil-rich dictators while the opportunities for our children and grandchildren shrink. 赤字剧增,受制于石油大亨,而为我们后代子孙所提供的机遇却越来越少。
What are dictators, generals, and strategists looking for in the books they keep around them or carry with them? 无论是绝对统治者、将军,还是战略家,身边都不乏书籍,他们究竟从中有何所图呢?
But if supporting dictators helps to keep the free world free, we'll support them. 但是如果扶持他们能维护自由世界,我们仍要扶持。
Then for the need of enlightened dictators system, the new national state must be centralized in nature. 其次为适应开明专制的制度需要,新建立的民族国家在性质上是集权的。
Only after system guide and standard training by enlightened dictators, citizens obtained the ability to participate especially to representative in political field. 只有经过开明专制的系统引导和规范训练,当公民具备相当的政治参与能力尤其是代议能力时,政治参与的需要才会被提上日程并得到应有的重视。
As the birthplace of Tang Dynasty, the East River district of Tang Dynasty was preferred by the dictators, and its economy, culture and science and technology developed fast. 唐代河东地区作为李唐王朝的发祥地,由于受到统治者特殊的重视与偏爱,经济文化发展很快,科学技术也取得了长足的进步。