The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet 这位营养学家就如何改善饮食给我提出了些建议,对我很有帮助。
You can seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietitian. 你可以征求营养师或饮食专家的意见。
All the while, maye managed to build out her dietitian business. 与此同时,梅耶的营养师公司也有所起色。
Though she had a thriving practice in South Africa, and the dietitian community sought her out as a speaker at industry events, maye and the rest of the family followed Elon. 虽然她在南非的事业蒸蒸日上,营养学界推举她在行业活动上发言,但梅耶和其他家人还是跟着埃隆一起来到了加拿大。
After gaining her dietitian degree from University of Pretoria, she married engineer Errol musk at 22 and then had three children in three years. 从比勒陀利亚大学(UniversityofPretoria)获得营养学学位之后,22岁的梅耶嫁给了工程师埃罗尔•穆斯克,然后三年内接连生下了三个孩子。
I have no doubt she would make a good dietitian. 毫无疑问她会成为优秀的营养学家。
If you aren't sure how to create a vegetarian diet that's right for you, talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian. 如果你对于如何规划适合你的素餐还没有主意,你可以咨询你的医生或者专业的营养学家。
Ann Gaba, a registered dietitian at New York Presbyterian Hospital, says that sometimes all it takes is a bit of fruit in a salad during a meal to curb a sugar craving. 纽约长老会医院注册营养师AnnGaba说,在一餐中摄入一些水果沙拉能够有效抑制吃甜食的欲望。
Keri Glassman, a registered dietitian and founder of nutritious life meals, appeared on "Good Morning America" today to give you a glimpse into the diets of some top athletes. Some of their meals could surprise you. 克里格拉斯曼是膳食营养生活组织的创始人和注册营养学家,今天,他在“早安美国”节目中让您一瞥一些顶级运动员的膳食,他们的一些饮食可能会令你惊讶。
To become a registered dietitian, take the test for public dietitians created by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. 要成为一名注册营养师,需要通过由劳动和社会保障部设立的公共营养师考试。
Susie Burrell, an Australian dietitian and founder of Shape Me, says there are qualities in some foods that make them more likely to contribute to ageing cells in the long term. 澳大利亚塑造我(ShapeMe)创始人兼营养师苏茜伯勒尔说,有些食物长期食用有加速细胞老化的作用。
Hi, I'm Charlotte Lawson, a registered, licensed dietitian here in Tampa Bay, Florida. 大家好,我是夏洛特劳森。我是一位经过注册资格认证的专业营养师,现位于佛罗里达州的坦帕湾。
Tracy Parker, a heart health dietitian with the British Heart Foundation, said people who ate a lot of processed meat should try to eat a more varied diet, such as chicken, fish, beans or lentils. 英国心脏基金会的心脏健康营养师特蕾西•帕克说,吃大量加工肉的人应该尽量尝试更加多样化的饮食,如鸡、鱼、黄豆和扁豆。
By assessing your food intake, a registered dietitian can also spot nutritional deficiencies. 通过评估你的食物摄入量,注册营养师也可以发现营养不足的问题。
Did you see a dietitian about your problems? 你的问题有去看营养专家吗?
To evaluate any supplement as a medical treatment, consider the body of evidence supporting any health claims and seek information from a pharmacist, dietitian, or your family doctor. 为了评价任何补充品用于治疗的方法,考虑证据的主旨是支持任何健康声明并从药剂师,营养学家或家庭医生那里寻求信息。
Although foods'aphrodisiac qualities aren't based in science, it's still fun to play along with your partner, registered dietitian Sara Shama says, and many of them have health benefits anyway. 虽然激发欲望的食物质量并不基于科学,它们仍然让(你)和你的伙伴玩得愉快!
If you need more help, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian. 如果您需要更多的帮助,请告诉您的医生或注册营养师。
A registered dietitian can help you design a meal plan. 注册营养师可帮助你制订饮食计划。
Check with your doctor or dietitian to be sure your protein intake is enough, but not too much. 请与您的医生或营养师,以确保你的蛋白质摄入量是足够的,但不能太多。
If you have doubts, ask your diabetes educator or a dietitian for advice. 如果不确定,那么就咨询糖尿病教育家或营养学家。
He checked himself: a good chief dietitian was a pearl to be prized. 他自我检讨着:一个好的营养主任是一颗值得夸赞的珍珠。
Keep all your appointments with your doctor, diabetes nurse, and dietitian. 请按时赴医生、糖尿病护士和营养师的所有约诊。
Edmunds, a registered dietitian with the New York State Department of Health, Albany, told Reuters Health. 来自奥尔巴尼的纽约州卫生健康部的注册营养师LynnS.Edmunds告诉路透社记者说。
If there is a question about whether you need iodine supplements, the best is to consult your primary care doctor or your dietitian. 如对碘补充剂有任何疑问,可向你的家庭医生或注册营养师查询。
Working with a dietitian can be extremely helpful. 有一个营养师的话将会非常有帮助。
For institutional food services this is so important that their staffs often include a dietitian to plan correct nutritional values. 对于社会公共机构的服务企业,这是非常重要的,它们的员工中通常有营养学家来设计恰当的营养价值。
It is important that you learn from your doctor and dietitian the right balance of calcium you should eat. 重要的是,你从中学到了您的医生和营养师的正确平衡的钙你应该吃。
Does wildlife obsess over calories eaten or reps performed? How do deer maintain their trim figures and impressive athleticism without a dietitian and weekly personal training sessions? 野生动物会对卡路里的摄入量或者所做的训练困扰吗?没有营养师的帮助和每周的个人训练计划,鹿是怎样它们良好的运动健将般身材的。
One should be careful in choosing a dietitian, because not all of them are legitimate. 选择营养师时应当慎重,因为不是所有的营养师都是合法的。