New economy is a summary of information economy, network economy, and digitallization economy. 新经济是对信息经济、网络经济、数字化经济的概括。
Video capture is a method of digitallization, but often limited by the ocular view. 视频摄取是将对象数字化的一种方法,而视频摄取往往受到视域的限制。
With the digitallization and informatization of modern warfare, the tactical aircrafts rely on modern communication technology for sharing information among combat platforms, optimizing, deploying and using the battlefield information resource, thereby increasing the overall combat capability. 随着现代战争的数字化、信息化,在战争中依托现代化的通信技术,进行各战斗平台间的信息共享、战场信息资源的优化、调配和使用,进而提高整体作战能力。