Music and print media are among the industries most fundamentally changed by digitisation. 音乐和印刷媒体都是被数字化从根本上改变的行业。
But another factor is that as recovery has taken hold in the US, levels of automation and digitisation are rising sharply too. 但另一个因素在于,随着美国的经济复苏站稳脚跟,自动化和数字化水平也在显著上升。
On November 13 last year, two leading associations representing American authors and publishers put forward to a New York District Court a revised settlement on the digitisation of books with Google. 去年11月13日,代表美国作家和出版商的两家主要协会,向纽约地区法院递交了与谷歌(Google)就图书数字化达成的修改后的和解协议。
One is that digitisation is at last producing significant economies of scale across national borders. 首先,数字化终于在各国之间创造了显著的规模经济。
The first big impact of widespread digitisation is likely to be a transformation of the cost base of those banks that embrace it. 数字化普及带来的第一个影响可能是改变了支持电子化银行的成本基础。
Despite publicly funded efforts to scan books and other items such as photographs, digitisation is proceeding much more slowly in Europe than in the US. 虽然图书及照片等其它作品的扫描得到了政府资助,但欧洲的数字化进程要比美国缓慢得多。
The digitisation of information seen in other parts of the economy is being seen in banking too. 在其它经济领域出现的信息数字化也正出现在银行业。
Supporters would like the EU formally to back the US deal and come up with a similar pan-European legal instrument to promote the digitisation of its cultural heritage. 支持者会希望欧盟正式支持美国协议,并制定出类似的泛欧洲法律工具,以促进欧洲文化遗产的数字化。
Many are pushing for the publicly funded digitisation initiative, called Europeana, to receive more funding. 许多人强烈要求,由政府资助的数字化项目europeana应该得到更多资金。
He has since focused on modernising the administration by digitisation, and is preparing for the ( possibly superhuman) task of introducing Italian bureaucrats to gentilezza and cortesia. 他重点用数字化使管理现代化,并且正在准备使意大利官员变得善良和礼貌的超乎常人能力的重任。
The success of the modern city appears to have two features: one, that digitisation has created a very specialised elite who benefit even more from clustering together and, two, that people are moving to cities not just to work but to play. 现代城市的成功似乎包含两个特点:其一,数字化缔造了一个非常专业化的精英群体,他们从聚居得到的益处更多;其二,人们迁往城市的目的不仅是工作,还有娱乐。
The revolution of information technology and digitisation ought, perhaps, to have completed the job, removing the need for a physical workplace. 信息技术和数字化革命或许应当完成这一任务,使人们不再需要有形的工作场所。
The 27-member bloc is trying to work out whether new legislation is required to facilitate the digitisation of European culture. 这个27国联盟正在考虑,是否需要出台规范欧洲文化数字化的新立法。
Thus the security of the digital image on Internet can be protected and the digitisation and the network application of the industry of Packaging and Printing can be accelerated. 这样,包装印刷图像网络传输的安全问题得到了初步解决,从而有助于包装印刷业数字网络化的实现。
It is a landmark of digitisation of information resources of traditional Chinese culture and will give impetus to the publishing of electronic publications and the creation and development of electronic libraries in China. 这是中国传统文化信息资源实现数字化取得突破性进展的重要标志。
Management System of Digitisation Cadastre Inventory and Its Notable Problems in Application 数字化地籍调查管理系统及应用中需注意的几个问题
According to practice of digitisation cadastre inventory of Changchun city, main functions of the management system of digitisation cadastre inventory and some notable problems in working are set forward. The feasibility of the system are demonstrated. 本文结合长春市数字化地籍调查实践,阐述了数字化地籍调查管理系统的主要功能,工作中值得特别注意的几个技术问题,验证了该系统的科学性和可行性。
Along with establishing of digitisation production system of surveying and mapping, the advanced surveying method of aerophotogrammetry is renewing and developing rapidly. 航空摄影测量这一先进的测量手段,随着数字化测绘生产体系的建立,正在快速更新和发展。