In his spare time he plays guitar, dabbles in Yoga, and sails dinghies, although he has not yet managed to parallelize these activities. 在他的业余时间,他弹吉他,学瑜珈,开游艇,虽然他还未能设法把这些活动并行化。
The ants with their leaves look like a wide fleet of sailing dinghies& but they don't quit. 负叶爬行的蚂蚁就像一支规模庞大、扬帆行驶的船队――只是它们不会停歇。
Ten gunmen landed in dinghies, stormed prestigious hotels, shot bystanders in a train station, took over a Jewish community center. 十名持枪分子乘坐小艇登陆,突袭了豪华酒店,枪杀了活杀战的路人,占领了犹太社区中心。
Like dinghies, these boats have floors you don't have to remove when stowing the boat. 类似前一种橡皮艇,这种艇在运输时也不需要拆下底板。
The gunmen, most of them apparently in their twenties, wearing T-shirts, black shirts and jeans, came ashore in black and yellow inflatable rubber dinghies. 外表上还是二十多岁的持枪者们,穿着T恤,黑衬衣和牛仔裤,驾着黑色和黄色的充气橡皮艇登上海岸。
He smiled deprecatingly. "It's just that I have a problem with boats. A kind of phobia. I wouldn't get into one of those rubber dinghies if my life depended on it." 他不好意思地笑道:“这就是我的问题所在,对船有恐怖症,如果我的生命只能依靠那样的小皮艇,我根本没办法克服自己的恐惧让自己进去。”
It would appear that they had landed earlier, around8pm, in a larger vessel at Sasoon dock and then used the dinghies to get closer to their targets in the heart of the city. 早些时候,在晚上八点左右他们似乎就已经乘一艘较大的船在沙逊船坞(Sasoondock)登陆,之后换乘橡皮艇向市中心的目的地进发。
This is actually a little bit bigger than some of the life boats and dinghies that you'd have in the U. 这个要比在美国看到的一些救生艇和小游艇要大很多。