复合元音;双元音 A diphthong is a vowel in which the speaker's tongue changes position while it is being pronounced, so that the vowel sounds like a combination of two other vowels. The vowel sound in 'tail' is a diphthong.
Either of two marks used In Greek to Indicate aspiration of an Initial vowel or diphthong ( ') or the absence of such aspiration(?). 希腊语中两种符号之一,表示首元音或双元音的送气发音的符号(')或不发这种送气音的符号(?)。
Change from a simple vowel to a diphthong. 把一个简单的元音转变为双元音。
Is a diphthong, and therefore is not divided. 是双元音,故不能分开。
The fifth chapter discusses the different historical origin of the diphthong in East Asia. 第五章重点讨论复合元音的历史形成和演化的基本途径。
The contraction of two vowels into a diphthong. 把两个连续的元音或音节收缩或紧缩成一个双元音。
A diphthong is considered one vowel sound. 双元音被看做是一个元音。
Four vowels, [ I], [ a], [], [ u], and one diphthong [ ou], produced by two male and two female tracheoesophageal speakers were analyzed by the LPC autocorrelation method. 利用LPC自相关算法分析了四位(二男二女)气管食管发音人所发的四个主要元音[i],[a],[ε],[u]。
It is difficult to synthesize the sonant in the speech synthesis especially in the synthesizing diphthong in speech synthesis. 语音合成中以浊音合成为难点,尤其是在做多元音合成时尤为突出。