The controller consists of three parts: the conventional PID controller, the gain-tuning fuzzy controller and the direct-action fuzzy controller, and can adjust the controller parameters with the variation of controlled objects. 控制器主要包括了常规PID控制器、增益调整型模糊控制器和直接控制型模糊控制器3个部分,能根据对象参数的变化合理地调整控制器的参数。
Different NoC mapping results could make a great affection on communication power, convergence speed, reliability and temperature performance etc. And different mapping technologies have direct-action on mapping results. 不同的NoC映射结果会对NoC功耗、时延、可靠性以及温度等性能产生很大影响,而不同的映射技术直接决定着映射效果。
With the development of industrial technology, PID tuner, which appeared in 1930s, was accepted for its better control performance than direct-action tuner. 随着工业生产的发展,于20世纪30年代,美国开始使用PID调节器,它比直接作用式调节器具有更好的控制效果,因而很快得到了工业界的认可。