The article presents a design method of tunable cavity band-pass filter. Base on the lumped-element network theory, direct-coupling cavity filter design method and relative coupling theories, we compute the dimension parameters, and then design the filter. 介绍了一种可调腔体带通滤波器的设计方法,从集总网络参数原理出发,结合直接耦合腔体滤波器的参数确定方法,以及根据耦合孔的相关理论,计算得到所设计滤波器的尺寸参数。
This filter uses several parallel-coupling ring resonators and direct-coupling structure between feed lines and rings. 该滤波器采用数个环形谐振器平行耦合,而输入输出馈线与环形谐振器之间采用直接耦合。