There are no all-embracing EC directives on race equality. 关于种族平等,欧盟指令也无法面面俱到。
Some beaches had failed to comply with European directives on bathing water 有些海滩未能遵守欧洲有关浴场的指令。
You can create, save, and reuse external optimizer directives. 可以创建、保存和重用外部优化器指令。
Options, directives, and functions continue to simplify programming tasks, shortening development time and reducing risk. 选项、指令和函数继续简化了编程任务,从而缩短了编程时间并减少了风险。
New optimizer directives and session environment controls are also introduced for influencing optimizer consideration of star join optimization. 新的优化器指令和会话环境控制因为影响优化器对星型连接优化的考虑,所以文中也包含了它们的介绍。
JSP defines six directives altogether, if you count three directives that are valid only for JSP tag files. JSP总共定义了六个指令,而仅三个指令对JSP标记文件有效。
Directive rules that generate notifications and directives based on the assessment. 指示规则,根据评估生成通知和指示。
Action rules match on the intermediate facts to generate action items, such as notifications and directives. 活动规则匹配中间事实生成活动项,比如通知和指令。
Container directives ( policies) that are invariant for all instances of the implementation. 对所有实现实例都保持不变的容器指示(策略)。
Business Policies and Rules are peer entities which can be derived and used together to implement Business Policy Directives. 业务策略和规则是对等实体,它们可以一起派生和用来实现业务策略指令。
Spirit provides other predefined parser directives as well as ways to write some of your own. Spirit提供了其他预定义解析器的指令和一些编写解析器的方法。
Projects which take a top down approach, decompose policy directives into detailed policies and rules. 项目采用自顶向下方式,把业务指示逐步分解为详细的策略和规则。
You learned about variables, interpolation, nesting, functions, and some directives. 您学习了变量、插值、嵌套、函数和一些指令。
Included files, custom tags, JSP directives and standard actions, and so on, are validated. 包括文件、自定义标签、JSP指示和标准操作等等都需要验证。
Sass control directives provide flow and logic to your CSS code. Sass控制指令为CSS代码提供了流和逻辑。
Some of these requirements should be expressed as business policy directives. 这些需求中的一部分应该表述为业务策略指示。
Since then, however, the appraisals and directives of the Central Committee have in the main been correct. 但从此以后,中央的估量和指示,大体上说来就都是对的了。
These directives renumber the lines of the preprocessed file. 这些指令将预处理文件中的行重新编号。
Directives contained in this entry generally apply to the server as a whole. 包含在本条目中的指令通常应用在整个服务器中。
The page uses register directives at the top to declare the user control and the custom controls. 页的顶部使用了register指令,对用户控件和自定义控件进行声明。
Mr Castro has said that the congress will set the country's "economic and political directives". 卡斯特罗说过,代表大会将为国家的“经济管理和政治管理”设置方向。
You can edit page directives. 您可以编辑页面指令。
To alter or annul inappropriate orders, directives and regulations issued by the ministries or commissions; 改变或者撤销各部、各委员会发布的不适当的命令、指示和规章;
It saved me hours of work in the direction of notes and directives. 这为我节省纪录和指挥的时间。
To achieve all this, the national governments must approve some 300 directives. 要达到这一切,各成员国政府必须批准大约300项指令。
The accounting principles based upon this foundation provide guidelines or directives to accounting practice. 基于上述基本概念和假设建立起来的会计原则为会计实践提供了指南和方针。
ECM is an appointed and recognized as Mandatory and/ or Authorized Representative for Product European Directives. ⑴ECM是指定和公认为欧洲产品指令的强制和/或全权代表。
Executive orders are Presidential directives governing actions by other federal officials and agencies. 行政命令是总统管理其他联邦官员和代理机构行为的指示。
No special standards or directives related to hazardous areas have been respected. 因而,本规范书没有考虑与危险区域有关的特殊标准或指令。
Rules may be introduced not as directives but as regulations. 相关条例或许会以规定而非指令的形式出台。