The Research of Interlocking Directorates: An Empirical Testing Based on the Listed Companies of China 连锁董事网研究:来自中国上市公司的实证检验
An Empirical Study on Moderating Role of Environment Dynamism on Relationship of Interlocking Directorates and the Firm's Output 动态性环境中企业连锁董事与绩效关系的实证研究
The Social Embeddedness of Corporate Governance: the Implication from Interlocking Directorates 公司治理的社会嵌入性:来自连锁董事的启示
Secondly, the author summarized dual layer interlocking directorates 'theory out of foreign literatures, namely, inter-organization or interclass theory of interlocking directorates. 其次,本文总结了国外有关连锁董事研究的两个层面理论,即连锁董事的组织层面理论和阶层内部(个人层面)理论。
The system includes the network computer dispatch, management, monitor and control system in Beijing regulation and control center, the automatic control system of remote station and the monitor system of three gas transmission directorates in Beijing, Shanxi and Shaanxi. 该系统包括北京调控中心网络计算机调度管理及监控系统,远程站自动控制系统ACS,北京、山西、陕西3个输气管理处(GTD)的监视系统(PCViews)。
Firstly, the authors summarize the four typical theories of interlocking directorates, which have been covered up and scattered in historical literatures, and then propose four hypotheses respectively on the reciprocity theory, resources dependency theory, finance control theory and the management control theory. 本文对散见于国内外的连锁董事文献进行了梳理,将之归纳为四种理论体系,即互惠理论、资源依赖理论、金融控制理论和管理控制理论,并依据每一种理论提出了相关假定。
Starting with at the very beginning the relation between directors and listed companies and rights and obligations of directors, this dissertation discusses directors 'legal positions in listed companies so as to show the importance of directorates, in which directors can exert their functions. 本文首先从董事与公司的关系以及董事的权力义务两方面着手,研究了董事在上市公司中的法律地位,明确了作为董事发挥主要作用的场所,董事会在上市公司中的重要性。
The moral cultivation and imperial examination are the two orientations under the directorates in Yuan, which embodies the coordination of the idealized education and rule of moral. 教养化育与科举主导,是元代国子监职官在探索办学模式上体现的两种取向,它集中反映了元代理学家试图协调与统合人格理想与道统政治二者之间的关系。
As the empirical research imply, the relationship of interlocking directorates in our country account for 62.9% in the sample set. 正如本文实证研究所显示那样,截止2003年12月31日,我国存在连锁董事关系的企业占总样本数62.9%。
The results indicate Chinese listed companies take into account the environmental changes and scale of directorates when they choose the structure of corporate leadership. 在充分考虑公司治理机制替代作用的基础上,建立两职设置指数模型。实证结果表明我国上市公司在选择领导权结构时充分考虑了环境稳定性以及董事会规模等因素;
Interlocking Directorates 'Influence on the Decision-making Mechanism of Corporate Groups 连锁董事对企业集团决策的影响
Since the existence of interlocking directorates, the two companies build a link with each other. Related researchers have found that by constituting interlocking directorates companies can benefit a lot from the tie. 由于连锁董事的存在所以在两家公司之间构建了一条联结,以往的研究发现,构成连锁董事联结的公司可以从连锁中获益。
To gear the secondary educational environment towards quality academic achievement, recommendations have been made for Rectors, zone directorates and at the ministry levels. 为了使中等教育环境为高质量的学业成就做好准备,文中提出了一些针对校长、区和中央政府教育官员的建议。
Many companies of them have the relationship of interlocking directorates, also some companies belonging to the same controller. Besides, there are also significant differences in industries and geographical distribution of them. 在公布股权激励方案的上市公司中,有不少公司之间存在连锁董事关系,还有部分公司隶属于相同控制人,上市公司在地域和行业的分布上也都存在明显的差异。
For businesses, the primary function of interlocking directorates between enterprises is the coordination and information transmission. 对企业来说,连锁联结的主要功能有企业间协调和信息传递。
Taking the formation mechanism of interlocking directorates networks as an example, this dissertation investigates how the state constructs market structure by manipulating the property activity. 本文以连锁董事网的形成机制为例,考察了国家是如何通过操纵产权活动而塑造商业结构的。
As for the question that why build on corporate interlocking directorates, scholars 'views are nothing less than two, that is, personal goals and organizational purposes. 关于企业缘何构建连锁董事,该研究领域的学者们的观点无外乎两种,即个人目的和组织目的。