Luckily, the real world is quite handy at disabusing you of the notion that youre a twenty-two-year-old font of wisdom. 幸运地是,这个现实的世界会非常乐意让你明白:你只是个有着22岁头脑的小女孩。
We are good at thinking, researching, investigating, communicating, abstracting, summarizing and disabusing; and we all work together to make great performance. 本真人善于思考、研究、调研,善于沟通、团结、合作,善于概括、提炼、解惑,更善于执行、表现和行为。
The transmissions of video streaming, file and interactive video disabusing service are implemented based on stream media technologies, reliable multicast technologies and video BBS technologies, respectively. 提供了基于流媒体技术的视频流传输,基于可靠多播技术的文件传输,基于视频BBS的交互视频答疑等功能。
Viewed from the perspective of application, pedagogical utterance refers to the language used by the teachers in their preach, instruction, disabusing, enlightening of the students wit, cultivation of the students character, enhancement of the students ability and innovative spirit. 从使用向度看,教学话语是指教师在传道、授业、解惑、开发学生智力、培养学生品格、提升学生的实践能力和创新精神时所使用的语言。