Fully Qualify Name; this will fully qualify each object reference, this disambiguates the your query statements completely 可以全限定每个对象引用的名称,这能完全避免你的查询语句中存在的二义性
Service Lease which explicitly defines and maintains the relationships between service consumers and providers and disambiguates potentially dangerous mutual assumptions; 显式定义并维护服务消费者与提供者之间的关系,并消除可能存在不利的相互假设(mutualassumptions);
Disambiguates between numbering sequences that use letters. 消除使用字母的编号序列之间的歧义。
This paper presents an unsupervised approach which constructs context vector by means of second-order context, clustering by k-means and disambiguates by calculating the similarity. 这篇文章提出了一种无导词义消歧的方法,该方法采用二阶context构造上下文向量,使用k-means算法进行聚类,最后通过计算相似度来进行词义的排歧。