In my own use of BCEL, I've found the HTML disassembler especially useful. 我自己使用BCEL时,发现HTML反汇编程序特别有用。
This chapter is also chock-full of references to tools, including the Interactive DisAssembler ( IDA Professional). 这一章也充满了工具的信息,包括交互式的。
The disassembler can be used to analyse the code statically, to remove the obfuscations, to decrypt binaries etc. 反汇编器可以用来静态分析代码,移除陷阱,对二进制代码进行解码等。
When true, performs a validation of the incoming message to the disassembler, including the envelope ( s). 当值为真时,验证传入消息已到达拆装器,包括信封。
The source disassembler disassembles a program or object code file of PE 8/ 16 16 bits minicomputer. 源反汇编实用程序直接对PE8/16系列16位小型计算机的执行程序,或目标码文件进行反汇编,形成源程序文本文件。
μ PD7810/ 11 Disassembler is a standard one. It can translate the machine codes of Single-chip microcomputer μ PD7810/ 11 to assembler statements so that the user will read and analyse them easily. μPD7810/11反汇编程序是一个标准的反汇编程序,它可以把μPD7810/11单片机的机器码翻译成汇编语句,便于用户阅读和分析。
Disassembler is a program that translates machine language into assembly language. 反汇编程序是一种将机器语言翻译成汇编语言的程序。
A research on and the realization for the VAX/ VMS disassembler system VAX/VMS反汇编系统的研究与实现
Application example of Packet Assembler/ Disassembler 分组装拆器(PAD)的应用实例
The Source Disassembler Program 源反汇编实用程序
Following that the grammar description and the rules of attribute definition of X_nML are presented, the applicability of X_nML is illuminated via the extensible attribute definition of assembler/ disassembler and simulator, and the descriptions of MIPS instruction set and ARM instruction set. 论文给出了XnML的文法描述及属性定义规范,通过对汇编/反汇编器和模拟器中属性的扩展定义及对MIPS指令集和ARM指令集的描述示例说明了XnML的适用性。