The Global Fund contributed to half of the disbursements from international donors. 全球基金捐款的一半来自国际捐助者。
The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average. 共同海损费用垫款的保险费,也应作为共同海损。
Provide accurate accounting for cash receipts, cash disbursements, and cash balances. 提供正确的现金收入、支出和结余记录。
At the same time, the quality of Chinese bank lending most assuredly suffered from the rash of credit disbursements in the first half of this year a trend that could sow the seeds for a new wave of non-performing bank loans. 同时,中国各银行的贷款质量多数确实受到今年上半年大量信贷投放的影响这一趋势可能为新一波银行不良贷款播下了种子。
All revenues realized and expenses incurred during the current period shall be recognized in the current period, regardless of whether receipts or disbursements are made. 凡是本期已经实现的收益和已经发生的费用,不论款项是否收付,都应作为本期的收益与费用入帐。
The accounting fee should be paid out of the accumulated funds before disbursements are made. 会计费用应该在分发投资资金之前独立于投资资金而支付。
Loan maturities under the short-term liquidity facility programme should be expanded to 12 months, renewable up to 24 months, with disbursements of up to 10 times quota. 短期流动性工具(slf)项目下的贷款期限应延长至12个月,可至多展期24个月,动用不超过10倍的限额。
In the reality, an economic subject accounting basiss choice has two kinds: Namely the power and responsibility has the system and the receipts and disbursements realizes the system. 现实中,一个经济主体会计基础的选择有两种:即权责发生制和收付实现制。
Many business enterprises find that disbursements for wages and salaries and related payroll taxes makes up a large portion of the firm's total expenses. 税后薪资企业代付个人所得税问题的探讨许多企业发现支付工资,薪水和薪工税占了企业总支出的相当部分。
That means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank, and major payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements. 这就是说,所有的现金收入要如数存入银行,一切的主要支处都使用支票,并设立预付资金来用于零星的现金支付。
The remitting bank shall be entitled to recover promptly from the principal any amount so paid out by it, together with its own disbursements, expenses and charges, regardless of the fate of the collection. 而托收行不管该托收结果如何,应有权向委托人立即收回它所付出的任何金额,连同它自己的支付款,费用和手续费。
The society was not even in funds to pay its out of pocket disbursements. 该社团甚至没有经费应付日常开支。
H other disbursements which the People's Bank of China deems necessary to be paid in cash. 中国人民银行确定需要支付现金的其他支出。
The site also allows users to filter commitments and disbursements by year, including for IDA. 该站点还便于用户分年度筛查援助资金承诺额和支付额,包括国际开发协会的承诺额和支付额。
The capital expenditures budget and the budgeted income statement provide data for the cash budget, or statement of budgeted cash receipts and disbursements. 资本支出预算和预计损益表都为现金预算即预计的现金收支汇总表提供了资料。
A forecast of estimated cash receipts and disbursements for a specified period of time. 是指在一年内或一年以上的一个营业周期内,公司预计的收入和支出的现金流量。
The Principal further agrees and undertakes to reimburse the Company all disbursements reasonably incurred in connection with the provision of its services. 委托人还同意和承诺偿付本公司有关本公司提供服务合理发生的一切开支。
On the payment date, the following entry would be made in the cash disbursements journal. 支付日则应在现金付出日记帐中作出如下分录。
He and other scholars have argued that large disbursements are subject to the law of diminishing returns. 他和其他学者认为这些大笔的支出服从了减少回报的法规。
If any legal action is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and necessary disbursements. 如果为了执行或解释本协议的条款而有必要进行诉讼,胜诉方有权要求对方支付合理的律师费、诉讼费和必要的支出。
Disbursements also declined because many borrowers failed to repay their loans and thus became ineligible for further credit under the program. 支付额下降还有一个原因,就是许多借款者不能偿还货款,这样就失去了获得该规划下的信贷的资格。
A basic journal to record transactions ( receipts, disbursements, sales, purchases, etc.) 一个基本的日记簿记录各种交易(包括收入、支出、销售、购买等);
Credit purchases in a manual system are recorded in a purchases journal and cash payments in a cash disbursements journal. 在手工系统中,赊账购买被记录在进货日记账,现金支付被记录在现金支付日记账。
Common types of cash disbursements which are credited to the cash account and decrease the asset account include payment of wages, payment of accounts payable, the purchase of assets, and the payment of various expenses. 而一般现金的支出,包括工资支付,应付帐款的支付,购买资产,支付各种开销,都记人现金帐目的贷方,减少了资产帐。
A cash flow statement is an accounting statement that reflects the condition of cash receipts and cash disbursements of an enterprise during a certain accounting period. 现金流量表是反映在一定会计期间现金收入和支出情况的会计报表。
But last night, the Taipei city government said an internal probe had found that one official used receipts for consumption unrelated to the mayoral budget provided by himself and third parties for disbursements from the allowance. 但昨日晚间,台北市政府表示,一项内部调查发现,一位官员曾拿本人和第三方提供的与市长预算无关的消费发票,核销市长特别费。
Use the purchases journal, the cash disbursements journal, and the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. 使用进货日记账,现金支付日记账,和应付款明细分类账。
Donors should accelerate funding disbursements to countries, increase their commitments, and pledge long-term, predictable funding. 捐助者应该加速向各国支付资助款项,增加它们的认捐并承诺长期可预测的资助。
Stopping disbursements under the lending programme already agreed would be a nuclear option. 停止按照已经达成的贷款计划供应资金将是一种过于极端的做法。