N-UNCOUNT 不舒服;不适 Discomfort is a painful feeling in part of your body when you have been hurt slightly or when you have been uncomfortable for a long time.
She carried her left arm at an awkward angle, as if it were causing her discomfort... 她的左胳膊很不自然地抬着,好像它让她不舒服似的。
Steve had some discomfort, but no real pain. 史蒂夫有些不适,但不是真疼。
N-UNCOUNT 尴尬;惭愧;窘迫 Discomfort is a feeling of worry caused by shame or embarrassment.
He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the suggestion... 他吸了吸鼻子,对这项提议感到窘迫不安,心烦意乱。
She hears the discomfort in his voice. 她听出了他声音中的窘迫。
N-COUNT 使人感到不舒服的事情 Discomforts are conditions which cause you to feel physically uncomfortable.
...the discomforts of camping. 露营的不适
...reducing the physical discomforts and difficulties faced by women. 减少女性身体上的不适和不便
Teacups are kids who are extremely fragile and nuanced to their own discomforts or problems. Teacup(茶杯型)是指心理极其脆弱、不堪一击的人,这些人过分专注于自己的不适或是问题。
But first there are the physical discomforts to deal with. 出发后最先遇到的问题是身体上的不适。
The child is being tormented by a minor demon, he diagnoses, in addition to the physical discomforts of teething. 他诊断这名孩子除了长牙的身体不适外,还受到小恶魔侵扰。
Seek to experiment and challenge discomforts rather than let things worsen. 不断试验和挑战不适,而不是让情况继续恶化。
If I could sit through this nonlethal physical discomfort, then what other discomforts might I someday be able to sit through? 我若熬过这场无杀伤力的生理痛苦,那么或许哪天就能熬过其他痛苦?
To be frank, the furniture discomforts me and even let me doubt whether buying your furniture is a good decision. 这些家具让我感到不适,也让我怀疑我在您的公司购买家具是否是一个明智的决定。
But in spite of all the discomforts, the Curies worked on. 但是居里夫妇不顾这一切困难,继续工作着。
Sociologist Thorolfur Thorlindsson of the University of Iceland believes the secret lies not in his country's comforts, but in its age-old discomforts. 冰岛大学社会学家索罗尔非·索林德森认为:冰岛人安命乐天的秘诀在于这个国家长期处于艰难困苦之中,而不在于它的舒适。
One of the discomforts of the international break is that you don't know when your players will come back or what state they will be in. 国际比赛最不让人舒服的一点就是你总是不知道你的球员会什么时候归队,他们会是什么状态。
The explorers were indifferent to the discomforts and dangers of the expedition. 探险家把探险的艰苦和危险置之度外。
At first girl on opposite looks at me not friendly in the eyes, let me feel some discomforts. 起先对面的女孩不友好的眼神,让我有些不安。
They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts throughout the voyage, including having to get dressed and undressed in public. 在全航程中他们不得不做各种有损尊严和难受的事,包括当众穿衣和脱衣。
Discomforts occurring in the interventional therapy for diabetic foot: analysis of causes and nursing strategy 糖尿病足介入治疗中不舒适原因分析及护理对策
Think of the discomforts endured by explorers in the Antarctic. 试想一想南极探险家忍受的艰难困苦。
Perhaps my company discomforts you. 也许是我让你有点不舒服。
Travellers in space have to endure many discomforts in their rockets. 宇宙旅行家不得不在火箭中忍受许多不舒适的东西。
Back pain among sedentary workers is no secret, but many of us simply accept the discomforts from sitting as an inconvenience – not a hazard. 后背疼痛,对于久坐的人群已然不是什么秘密,然而我们中的大多数人往往简单地认为,这种因久坐而产生的不适只是一个小麻烦,没什么大不了。
Backache is one of the most common discomforts of pregnancy. 背痛是一种很常见的妊娠期不适症状。
Soy also has compounds called isoflavones that mimic estrogen, which can help ease menopausal discomforts, and lower the risk of several types of cancer including prostate, breast, and endometrial. 大豆中还含有类似雌性激素的异黄酮素,可缓解更年期时的不适,并降低如前列腺癌、乳腺癌、子宫内幕癌之类的癌症风险。
He spent an entire day – a Sunday – guiding me from appointment from appointment, despite the discomforts of riding in Miss Daisy. 而他则不断劝酒劝菜,昨天星期天还不辞辛劳地带我赶赴一个又一个的约会,乘着小黄东颠西跑了整整一天。
The child may completely ignore pain orr react very strongly to slight discomforts. 孩子可能完全失去痛觉,或者对轻微的不适表现出强烈的反应。
He is a very cultured frenchman, when my lens toward him, he didn't let me feel anything discomforts. 他是一个看起起来很儒雅的法国人,但我的镜头对着他时,丝毫没有任何让我觉的不好的表情。
The alternating stretching and releasing of the abdominal muscles increases blood flow to this area and aids all sorts of digestive disorders and discomforts. 交换的伸展和腹部肌肉的按摩,促进这些区域的血流动。
Travel and all its concomitant discomforts. 旅行及随之而来的不适。
This research is a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the associated factors in the physical discomforts problems of the VDT users. 此研究完整及系统化评估会造成VDT工作站使用人员身体不适之相关风险因素。
If you come away from a session at your computer with aching hands or eyes that feel full of sand, you may shrug off your discomforts as an unavoidable consequence of too much time at the keyboard. 如果刚开完一个电脑会议之后,你有手臂痛疼或是眼睛里像是掺了沙子一样的感觉。你也许会耸耸肩膀认为这必然是敲键盘太久导致的不舒适。
Certain discomforts are incidental to the joys of camping out. 享受露营的快乐时,难免也会有些不便之处。
Those tourists, too, had less fun than they let on: they grumbled about the food, their rapacious guides and the discomforts of travel. 同样地,那些游客得到的乐趣远比他们花出去的钱少,对食物、贪心的导游和旅途的不舒适颇多怨言。
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. 任何改变,即使是向好的,总会伴随挫折与不适。
I just can't see what there is about that Miss Pao, coarse and dark as she is, to make Mr. Fang give up a perfectly good second-class berth for the discomforts of the third class. 我就看不出鲍小姐又黑又粗,有什么美,会引得方先生好好二等客人不做,换到三等舱来受罪。