Perhaps more importantly, Ms Johnson Sirleaf has not been able to dispel the sense of disenfranchisement felt by many indigenous Liberians. 此外可能更为重要的是,赛立夫没有能驱散许多利比亚本地人所遭受的被剥夺选举权的失落感。
Mired in poverty and injustice, they had to endure disenfranchisement, discrimination and systemic disregard to their reclaiming of ancestral domains. 他们陷于贫困和不公平对待之中,失去原有的权利,遭受歧视,他们重获祖传土地业权的诉求,在体制内也遭漠视。
The philosophical disenfranchisement of art will put an end to the continuously progressive single development model, providing a new opportunity for knowing and defining art. 哲学对艺术的剥夺使得艺术连续、进步、单一的发展模式终结,为重新认识和定义艺术提供新的契机。