They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians 他们散布假消息,企图败坏政治家的名声。
The government has been involved in a disinformation campaign, deliberately misleading and harassing its citizens. 政府已经卷入了一场造假运动,他们有意误导和扰乱民众生活。
The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes don't happen. 政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,而当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会心怀感激。
Hence the sanctions, the war of disinformation and the reinvigoration of Nato as a military force. 因此,西方对俄罗斯实施了制裁,打起了假消息战,并努力重振北约(NATO)作为军事组织的雄风。
One minute they are saying yes, it must be true and the next repeating some disinformation line, clinging to this in fact. 前一分钟他们还在说是的,这肯定是真的而下一分钟又在重复着某些事实上与此有关的故意的虚假情报。
Shrouded their actions in a fog of disinformation. a society that conceals its activities from nonmembers. 他们在错误信息的掩护下隐藏行踪对非成员掩藏行踪的社团。
For example those who do not go along with it will in some cases spread doubt if not deliberate disinformation. 举个例子,那些完全不跟随它(扬升)的将在某些情况下散播质疑之声,要不然就是蓄意而为之的散播误导信息。
There is a very healthy counter-intelligence program to flood the conspiracy media on the Net with disinformation, but if the administration can pull off a Disclosure, I think much will be forgiven. 有一个非常健康的反情报计划,在与洪水假网络媒体的阴谋,但如果政府能实现信息披露,我觉得非常希望能够得到原谅。
However, it would appear that it may have been accidental disinformation rather than a hoax per se. 不过,从它本身看这可能是偶然事件,而不是一个有意的恶作剧。
From the point of accounting disinformation, the game analysis model on audit risk is established. 摘要从会计信息失真这一角度出发,建立审计风险博弈分析模型。
Identify and immediately stand-down operations that are covertly targeting Extraterrestrial Vehicles, weaponizing space and engaging in rogue disinformation projects; 识别并立即解封操作的隐蔽目标外星车辆,武器化的空间和流氓造谣项目的活动;
As the CIA well knows, the best disinformation is a combination of fact and fiction. 正如CIA再清楚不过的,最好的虚假情报就是真实与谎言的结合。
The actual disinformation maneuver would result in making the public believe there was nothing to the Dulce story. 实际的假动作将导致让公众相信没有任何的杜尔塞故事。
He would be the unconscious channel for a piece of disinformation aimed at another country's intelligence service ( Ken Follett) 他会在无意中成为向另一国情报机构提供假消息的渠道(肯·福利特)
The systematic and ongoing efforts at spreading disinformation and propaganda seem to know no bounds. 在传播假情报和宣传系统和持续的努力似乎是无限的。
The public is to rush to embrace the disinformation, thus to be misled about the cause of the Earth changes, the timing, and what steps are required to survive what is coming. 公众蜂拥而至,去拥抱故意的虚假情报,因此被带错了方向,无法知晓地球变化的原因,时间,和需要采取什么步骤才能从即将到来的灾难中生存下来。
Disinformation and denial on the struggle will continue long-term sustainability in the future. 今后造谣和辟谣的斗争仍将长期持续下去。